Ambroxol Hydrochloride Raw Material Powder
Ambroxol Hydrochloride Raw Material Powder
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Ambroxol Hydrochloride Raw Material Powder

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Product details

AmbroxolHydrochloride is considered as an active metabolite of expectorant bromohexine (n-demethylated, cyclohexyl hydrochloride introduced into trans hydroxyl), with lower toxicity than bromohexine, but higher activity than bromohexine.

Ambroxol Hydrochloride Powder

Ambroxol hydrochloride is a mucolytic agent developed by Boehringer Ingelheim in Germany. It was first marketed in Germany in the early 1980s, and then in France, Italy, Japan, Spain and many other countries. It is a new generation mucolytic agent, which can improve sputum excretion, and has the effect of promoting lung surface active substances, airway secretion and cilia movement.

Clinically, it can regulate the secretion of mucus and mucous pulp, activate the swing of cilia, dilute sputum easily, enhance the transport of mucus outward, and facilitate the discharge. It can also promote the synthesis of lung surfactant, so as to maintain the tension of alveoli and ensure the pulmonary function index.

Promote the penetration of antibiotics into tissues to increase the concentration and enhance the bactericidal effect; Antioxidant, reduce the release of inflammatory mediators to reduce the inflammatory response;

Ambroxol Hydrochloride Raw Powder

In order to improve the efficacy of antispasmolytic drugs, it can cooperate with bronchial antispasmolytic substances. Therefore, this drug can be widely used in clinical treatment of acute and chronic respiratory diseases accompanied by abnormal secretion of respiratory tract, especially for the expectorant treatment of chronic bronchitis, neonatal respiratory distress and adjuvant treatment of lung surgery.

It has the advantages of low toxicity, precise efficacy, and can be used with antibiotics to produce a good synergistic effect, and is one of the most commonly used expectorants.

1. Antitussive and antiphlegm effect

Ambroxol hydrochloride mainly acts on respiratory secretory cells, regulating the secretion of mucinous and serous substances, increasing the secretion of serous substances, cracking the polysaccharide fiber of acid glycoprotein in sputum, inhibiting the synthesis of acid protein in mucus glands and goblets, reducing the viscosity of sputum, making sputum thin and easy to be discharged; At the same time, the drug can also increase the movement frequency and intensity of respiratory cilia, promote sputum discharge and self-purification of respiratory tract.

2. Antioxidant effect

Ambroxol hydrochloride has obvious antioxidant effect and plays an important role in the lung disease of reactive free oxygen groups. Studies have shown that ambroxol has a strong inhibitory effect on H2O2 produced by neutrophils. In addition, ambroxol activates the intracellular glutathione system and promotes the synthesis of intracellular glutathione (GSH) to combat the damaging effects of oxygen free radicals.

Ambroxol Hydrochloride Raw Material

Ambroxol hydrochloride is a metabolite of bromohexidine, which has stronger expectorant effect than bromohexidine. Ambroxol hydrochloride has the function of promoting mucus removal and the property of dissolving secretions.

It can promote the elimination of mucus secretions in the respiratory tract, thus significantly promoting sputum expulsion and improving respiratory conditions. When treated with this drug, the patient's mucus secretion returned to normal condition.

Indications: It is suitable for the treatment of acute and chronic respiratory diseases with abnormal sputum secretion and poor expectorant function, such as acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, asthmatic bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

Preemptive treatment of postoperative pulmonary complications; Treatment of infant respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS) in premature infants and neonates.

 Ambroxol Hydrochloride Raw Powder

Function and effect :

Ambroxol is the active metabolite of bromohexidine in vivo, which can promote the secretion of lung surface active substances and airway fluid, promote the dissolution of phlegm, reduce phlegm viscosity, enhance the movement of bronchial mucosa cilia, and promote the discharge of phlegm.

As a mucolytic agent, this product can increase the secretion of serous glands of respiratory mucosa, reduce the secretion of mucous glands, and reduce the retention of mucus, thus significantly promoting sputum discharge and improving the respiratory status of patients.

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