Aminophylline Raw Material Powder
Aminophylline Raw Material Powder
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Aminophylline Raw Material Powder

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Aminophylline Powder Usage and Synthesis:

Aminophylline Raw Material is a double salt composed of theophylline and ethylenediamine, which belongs to xanthine drugs. The pharmacological effects of Aminophylline Powder are mainly derived from theophylline. Theophylline has the strongest relaxation of airway smooth muscle among xanthine alkaloid drugs. Ethylenediamine can enhance its water solubility. Aminophylline Raw Material is suitable for the treatment of bronchial asthma, obstructive emphysema and asthmatic bronchitis. It can not only relax bronchial smooth muscle, but also strengthen the heart, diuretic, dilate the crown, anti-inflammation, antagonize adenosine receptors, immune regulation, excitatory Therefore, it can also be used in the treatment of diseases such as asphyxia of premature infants, sick sinus syndrome, and acute lung injury. The best Amino Aminophylline Powder Supplier-Henrikang.

Aminophylline Raw Material

Pharmacokinetics of Aminophylline Powder:

1. Aminophylline Powder can relax airway smooth muscle: Aminophylline can relax airway smooth muscle and relieve bronchospasm.

2. Aminophylline Powder has immunoregulatory and anti-inflammatory effects: a small amount of aminophylline can inhibit the release of inflammatory mediators from mast cells and relieve airway smooth muscle spasm; it can also inhibit the infiltration of eosinophils in the bronchi.

3. Aminophylline Powder can enhance respiratory muscle contraction: prevent diaphragm fatigue and respiratory failure by improving respiratory function.

4. Aminophylline Powder relieves the excited respiratory center: it excites the breathing and enhances the depth of breathing, but the breathing frequency does not increase.

5. Cardiotonic effect of Aminophylline Powder: It acts on the heart, antagonizes adenosine, prevents excessive release of adenosine, expands coronary arteries and peripheral blood vessels, promotes myocardial contraction, and increases cardiac output.

6. Aminophylline Powder can diuresis: increase renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate, and inhibit reabsorption of renal tubules.

Aminophylline Raw Material

Clinical Application of Aminophylline Powder:

1. Treatment of pulmonary hypertension: aminophylline can directly change the outflow of pulmonary artery wall, inhibit PDE to relax smooth muscle, reduce pulmonary vascular resistance and pulmonary arterial pressure, reduce pulmonary vascular extravasation, and eliminate pulmonary edema.

2. Treatment of sleep apnea syndrome and asphyxia of premature infants: aminophylline promotes the release of catecholamine sympathetic neurotransmitters by stimulating the respiratory center, and is effective for sleep apnea, and children are better than adults. Asphyxiation of premature infants can also excite the myocardium and prevent bradycardia.

3. Prevention and treatment of drowsiness and respiratory depression after general anesthesia: Aminophylline stimulates the central nervous system, lowers the threshold of respiration induced by carbon dioxide, increases the body's reactivity to pain, nerve-muscle conduction function and muscle tension, and reverses respiratory depression.

4. Treatment of intractable cough: suitable for cough caused by exposure to cold or inhalation of irritating gas, but lung and bronchial organic diseases need to be ruled out.

5. Treatment of arrhythmia: During myocardial ischemia, the release of adenosine increases significantly, which can cause angina pectoris, bradycardia, atrioventricular block, etc. After intravenous infusion of adenosine triphosphate, different degrees of atrioventricular block caused by small doses of aminophylline can be eliminated.

6. Treatment of acute nephritis and hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome: Aminophylline can inhibit the formation of thrombus and anti-basement membrane antibodies, expand renal blood vessels, increase renal blood flow and filtration rate, and help relieve renal failure.

7. Treatment of aplastic anemia: Aminophylline can stimulate hematopoietic stem cells, expand bone marrow blood vessels, and is beneficial to granulocyte production.

8. Treatment of transplant rejection: Aminophylline is an immunomodulatory drug that can selectively activate suppressive T cells. Inhibit acute rejection in patients with steroid tolerance, reduce serum creatinine, and increase urine output.

Aminophylline Raw Material

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