Suplatast Tosilate Powder Raw Material
Suplatast Tosilate Powder Raw Material
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Suplatast Tosilate Powder Raw Material

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Use and synthesis method of Suplatast Tosilate :
Suplatast Tosilate , chemical name (2-(4-(3-ethoxy-2-hydroxy-propyloxy) phenyl carbamyl) ethyl) dimethyl sulfonate, is a selective Th2 cytokine inhibitor developed by Taiho Pharmaceutical Company in Japan, and launched in Japan in 1995. Domestic and foreign studies have shown that it can selectively inhibit the extravascular migration of helper T cells, lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils, reduce the inflammation of airway eosinophils, reduce the production of inflammatory mediators IL-4, IL-5, IL-13 and IFN-γ, and reduce the levels of serum histamine, eosinophin cationic protein and IgE. Reduce airway hyperreactivity, which may play a role through the active metabolite 4-(3-ethoxy-2-hydroxy-propyl) -allylaniline (M-1) in vivo, block the differentiation, maturation and function of monocytes into dendritic cells (DC), and increase the ratio of DC1/DC2, promoting the enhancement of Th1 reaction; Meanwhile, it can inhibit mast cell degranulation mediated by specific IgE antibody and release of inflammatory mediators, reduce symptom score, improve lung function, reduce the dosage of β2 receptor agonist, and have a "hormone saving" effect. The drug has been marketed in foreign countries and has become a commonly used drug in clinical practice, mainly used in the treatment of bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis allergic dermatitis and eosinophilia syndrome, and has also been reported to treat vitiligo and hepatitis C.

Pharmacological effects of Suplatast Tosilate :
Suplatast Tosilate is a novel selective cytokine inhibitor, which can selectively inhibit helper T cells and reduce the production of inflammatory mediators IL-4 and IL-5, thereby inhibiting the extravascular migration of lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils and reducing the airway infiltration inflammation caused by airway eosinophils. Inhibition of specific antibody IgE mediated mast cell degranulation and release of inflammatory mediators, thereby reducing airway inflammatory response.

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