Cefoperazone Sodium Raw Material Powder
Cefoperazone Sodium Raw Material Powder
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Cefoperazone Sodium Raw Material Powder

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Cefoperazone Sodium Powder Usage and Synthesis.

Cefoperazone Sodium Powder (cefoperazone sodium) is a broad-spectrum bactericide. cefoperazone sodium CAS 62893-20-3 has similar antibacterial properties to cefotaxime and is used clinically for infections of the respiratory tract, urinary tract, peritoneum, pleura, skin and soft tissue, bone and joint, and the five senses caused by various sensitive bacteria, Cefoperazone Sodium Raw Materials can also be used for septicemia and meningitis, etc. It is used as raw materials and intermediates of cephalosporins.

Cefoperazone Sodium Powder

Application/Function of Cefoperazone Sodium Powder.

Cefoperazone Sodium is used for infections of the respiratory tract, urinary tract, peritoneum, pleura, skin and soft tissues, bones and joints, and the five senses caused by various sensitive bacteria, as well as for sepsis and meningitis.

Cefoperazone Sodium Raw Materials has good therapeutic effect and safety for various infection symptoms in respiratory tract, biliary tract, obstetrics and gynecology, and surgery. Its stability is high and degradation in aqueous solution follows primary kinetics.

Cefoperazone Sodium Powder

Pharmacological Effects of Cefoperazone Sodium Powder

Cefoperazone is a third generation cephalosporin, which has good antibacterial effects on Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, such as Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Proteus, Salmonella typhi, Shigella, Citrobacter, etc. It has poor effects on Enterobacter aerogenes, Enterobacter cloacae, S. typhimurium and S. immobilis.

Influenza bacillus, Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Neisseria meningitidis are highly sensitive to this product.

It also has good effect on all groups of streptococci and pneumococci, and only moderate effect on staphylococci (methicillin-sensitive strains), and enterococci are resistant.

Cefoperazone has good effect on most gram-positive anaerobic bacteria and some gram-negative anaerobic bacteria, Bacteroides fragilis is resistant to this product. Cefoperazone has poor stability to most β-lactamases.

It mainly inhibits the synthesis of bacterial cell wall.

Cefoperazone Sodium Factory

Drug interactions of Cefoperazone Sodium Powder.

  1. Cefoperazone Sodium has synergistic effects on certain sensitive strains of Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa when combined with aminoglycoside antibiotics (gentamicin and tobramycin).
  2. Cefoperazone Sodium can produce hypoprothrombinemia and thrombocytopenia and may cause bleeding when used in combination with the following drugs: anticoagulants heparin, coumarin or indandione derivatives, thrombolytic agents, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics (especially aspirin, diflunisal, or other salicylic acid preparations), and sulfinpyrazone.
  3. Cefoperazone Sodium chemical structure contains side chains of methionine tetrazolium, so drinking alcohol or intravenous injection of ethanol-containing drugs during the application of this product will inhibit the activity of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase and cause the accumulation of acetaldehyde in the blood, resulting in drowsiness, hallucinations and other disulfiram-like reactions. Therefore, patients should not drink alcohol, take oral or intravenous ethanol-containing drugs during the drug administration and for 5 days after stopping the drug.
  4. Cefoperazone Sodium should not be administered in combination with aminoglycoside antibiotics in the same vial, as the antibacterial activity may be affected by each other.
  5. Cefoperazone Sodium is contraindicated with the following drugs for injection: amikacin, gentamicin, kanamycin B, doxycycline, diphenhydramine, potassium magnesium mentholate, procainamide, aminophylline, prochloraz, cytochrome C, pentazocine, etc.

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