Natural Phyllanthus Extract Powder
Natural Phyllanthus Extract Powder
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Natural Phyllanthus Extract Powder

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Phyllanthus Extract Powder Usage and Synthesis.

Ye Xiazhu is a kind of natural herbal medicine, which has the effects of calming the liver and clearing heat, inducing diuresis and detoxification, seeping dampness, and brightening the eyes.

In recent years, Ye Xiazhu has attracted attention in hepatitis B treatment.

According to the research of Zhejiang Armed Police Hospital, Ye Xiazhu has a unique effect on the recovery of hepatitis B patients, which can improve the immune function, enhance the muscle's ability to fight against the virus, and the inhibition of anti-HIV to HIV reverse transcriptase is considered as a new progress in the prevention of AIDS. .

Under the leaf pearl tablets have inhibitory effect on hepatitis B virus, with the protection of liver cells and improve cellular immunity function effect. In addition, the extract of Hypericum perforatum has a protective effect against CCI4 and D-galactosamine-induced liver injury.

Mixed nucleoside tablets (trade name "Tai Gan Tablets") is the precursor material for the synthesis of nucleic acids and a variety of coenzymes in the human body, which is an important material for cellular activities, and participates in nucleic acid metabolism, energy metabolism and nuclear protein synthesis in the body.

Mixed nucleoside tablets can activate liver function, accelerate the recovery of damaged liver cells, show significant effect on hepatitis B virus DNA polymerase and reverse transcriptase, and have good antiviral and hepatoprotective effects.

Therefore, Hypophyllium extract can be used as a kind of auxiliary drug for hepatitis B treatment.

Phyllanthus Extract Powder

Uses of Phyllanthus Extract.

The extract and its preparations of Hypericum perforatum have anti-HBV, anti-hepatic fibrosis effects, also has a protective effect on liver damage, but also can prevent primary liver cancer, clinical treatment of viral hepatitis B, with good efficacy, low toxic side effects

Pharmacological effect of Phyllanthus Extract.

1.Anti-inflammatory effect

The plant under the leaf has good efficacy in the treatment of enteritis, nephritis oedema, jaundice hepatitis, conjunctivitis, and urinary tract infections, etc. Huangzhuzizhi grass has been widely used as a folk medicine in Guizhou, and has achieved good results.

2.Weight loss

Studies have shown that short-leaf hematoxylin has inhibitory effect on the aggregation of intracellular triglyceride during the transformation of preadipocyte to adipocyte, the elevation of intracellular 3-phosphate glycerol dehydrogenase activity at the end of preadipocyte differentiation, and the elevation of lipoprotein lipase activity during the aggregation of intracellular triglyceride in adipocyte, and can be used as an active ingredient for the drugs for preventing and treating obesity and can be made into preparations individually or together with other drugs to be applied to the clinic.

3.Prevention of primary liver cancer

Hypericum perforatum can inhibit the growth of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells, inhibit the formation of clones, reduce the synthesis and secretion of alpha-fetoprotein and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, and promote the synthesis and secretion of albumin, and present a certain concentration and time-dependent relationship; Hypericum perforatum drug serum can induce human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line Bel-7402 to the normal direction of differentiation, and has the effect of preventing the occurrence of primary hepatocellular carcinoma.

4.Antibacterial effect

It can inhibit Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus haemolyticus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Typhoid fever bacillus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and can treat dysentery, enteritis, conjunctivitis, urinary tract infection, pneumonia and laryngitis. In addition, it can also be used as antifungal and antiparasitic for the treatment of ringworm and scabies.

5.Analgesic effect

The methanol extract of Hypericum perforatum did not show a dose-related inhibitory effect on 0.6% acetic acid-induced writhing response and hot trigger pathogenesis in mice. The dose-related analgesic effect of the ethyl acetate extract on mice indicated that the methanol extract contained not only phenolic components with analgesic effects, but also other components interfering with the analgesic effects.

Bulk Phyllanthus Extract Powder

Identification of traits of Bulk Phyllanthus Extract Powder.

The dried whole grass is 10-40cm long, the main root is not developed, and the fibrous roots are numerous and grey-brown. The stem is cylindrical, multi-branched, with hairy branchlets, with longitudinal ribs, 0.2-0.3cm in diameter, grey-green surface, brittle and easy to break.

Single leaves alternate, arranged in two rows, very similar to pinnately compound leaves; leaf blade long elliptic, 0.5-1.5cm long, 0.2-0.5cm wide, apex oblique pointed or with a small convex tip, the base is slightly oblique or rounded, short hairs at the edge of the leaf, a few sessile, the upper surface of the green, the lower surface of the grey-green, easy to fall off. Stipules small, 2-part, membranous, acutely triangular.

Flowers small, axillary under leaves. Capsule sessile, oblate, surface light green to russet, densely tuberculate. Seeds tiny, orange petal-like, yellowish white to brown, with transverse lines. Slightly bitter taste.

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