Raw Materials Kudzu Root Extract Powder
Raw Materials Kudzu Root Extract Powder
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Raw Materials Kudzu Root Extract Powder

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Kudzu Root Extract Powder Usage and Synthesis.

Pueraria Mirifica is both a common vegetable and a plant that can be used as a medicine, which contains 12% of flavonoids, such as Puerarin, Soy Flavonoid Glycosides, Arachidonin and other active ingredients, but also contains proteins, amino acids, sugar, as well as a variety of microelements and minerals essential to the human body, it is a kind of food suitable for both men and women, young and old.

Kudzu Root Extract powder

Uses and functions of Kudzu Root Extract.

Pueraria Mirifica has the ability to clear away heat, dispel phlegm and relieve cough, lower blood sugar, and protect cardiovascular health;

Wild Pueraria Mirifica contains a large amount of dietary fibre, which can improve constipation, remove toxins from the body and reduce the occurrence of cancer; decongest, nourish the stomach, protect the liver and liver protection;

Eating Pueraria Mirifica powder can regulate human body functions, enhance physical fitness, improve the body's ability to resist diseases, anti-aging and prolonging life;

Pueraria Mirifica isoflavones have high phytoestrogens, which can activate ovarian vitality and make the skin smooth and tender.

Pueraria Mirifica has the special effect of cooling down the fire, appetising the stomach and food, diuretic and alcohol.

Pueraria lobata extracted from Pueraria lobata has the effect of expanding coronary arteries and cerebral arteries, can reduce blood pressure, can significantly increase the blood supply of ischemic tissues, B1 receptor health care body blocking effect, can significantly slow down the heart failure, reduce the amount of oxygen consumption of the myocardium, can reduce myocardial ischemia, limit and reduce the scope of myocardial infarction, anti-tachyarrhythmia, can reduce cholesterol and blood viscosity, inhibit platelet aggregation, improve microcirculation.

Methods of identification of Kudzu Root Extract.

1, wild kudzu taste basically no taste. From the taste is more difficult to distinguish the real from the fake. 

2, wild Pueraria lobata powder disintegrated after drying, but stop at the particles and will not become powder. Containing less ground wood fibre the larger the particles, a few no ground wood fibre is lumpy. Artificially cultivated kudzu powder and the participation of fake kudzu powder is in powder form.

3, pure wild Pueraria Mirifica powder after brewing should present brown translucent gelatinous, no obvious smell and taste.

4, Pueraria lobata is rich in starch, less crude fibre, taste better, Pueraria lobata after deep processing made of dozens of exquisite food, not only taste delicious, tender and smooth, and health effects are very obvious, suitable for all kinds of people to eat.

Kudzu Root Extract Raw

Product Method of Bulk Kudzu Root Extract Powder.

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