HRK Cordyceps Polysaccharide Raw Materials Powder on sale
HRK Cordyceps Polysaccharide Raw Materials Powder on sale
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HRK Cordyceps Polysaccharide Raw Materials Powder on sale

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Cordyceps Polysaccharide Usage and Function.

1. Used in the treatment of liver cirrhosis.

2. Used in food and pharmaceutical products, as the main raw material of the drug "Cordyceps Polysaccharide Capsule".

Cordyceps Polysaccharide Powder

Uses of Cordyceps Polysaccharide.

Cordyceps polysaccharide liposomes (CPL) can significantly reduce the activity of ALT and AST (alanine and aspartate aminotransferase) in the serum of mice with liver damage, and have a protective effect on liver damage caused by D-galactose in mice, indicating that it has the effect of protecting the liver and reducing enzymes.

The application of liposome-encapsulated Cordyceps polysaccharide, a targeted drug carrier with both immune activity, to treat chronic hepatitis can play a role in immune regulation, liver protection and antiviral aspects, which significantly improves its efficacy in treating chronic hepatitis B. Cordyceps polysaccharide has an anti-aging effect; Cordyceps polysaccharide has a certain protective effect on liver damage caused by BCG+LPS, and can reduce liver cell necrosis and liver inflammation to a certain extent.

Cordyceps Polysaccharide

Pharmacological Action of Cordyceps Polysaccharide.


(1) Enhancement of mononuclear macrophage system: Cordyceps polysaccharide can increase the nutritional blood flow of spleen, promote the phagocytic activity of liver and spleen, counteract the spleen atrophy and leukocytosis caused by cortisone and cyclophosphamide, especially counteract the decrease of phagocytic function of peritoneal macrophages caused by cortisone, without reducing the anti-inflammatory effect of cortisone.

(2) Regulation of cellular immune function: Intracellular polysaccharide of Cordyceps sinensis and extracellular polysaccharide of the asexual form of Cordyceps taii Lianget Liu can promote lymphocyte transformation in vitro.

Cordyceps polysaccharide can antagonize immunosuppressants, stimulate lymphocyte proliferation, and enhance the proliferation response of lymphocytes stimulated by PHA. Cordyceps polysaccharide can change the surface molecules of rat lymphocytes, thereby regulating the body's immune response.

Cordyceps polysaccharides can induce the expression of IL-2R alone or in combination with PHA, and promote the production of soluble IL-2R (sIL-2R), but selectively inhibit the activity of IL-2 and IFN-γ induced by PHA; the synergistic or inhibitory effects are both dose-dependent, and indomethacin can partially or completely eliminate the inhibitory effect. This suggests that cordyceps polysaccharides have a bidirectional immunomodulatory effect on peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) cultured in vitro.

(3) Enhancement of humoral immune function: Intracellular polysaccharides from Cordyceps sinensis can significantly increase the serum IgG content of mice.

(4) Effect on endocrine function: Subcutaneous injection of cordyceps polysaccharides can increase the plasma corticosterone content of mice, and has the effect of antagonizing cortisone feedback inhibition of plasma corticosterone without reducing its anti-inflammatory effect.

(5) Hypoglycemic effect: It has a significant effect on a variety of diabetic model animals. The main hypoglycemic mechanisms include: stimulating insulin secretion, inhibiting hepatic glucose output, promoting the activity of hepatic glucose metabolism enzymes and reducing the content of glucose transporters.

Cordyceps Polysaccharide raw

Product method of Bulk Cordyceps Polysaccharide Powder.

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