Shikonin raw Materials powder Shikonin
Shikonin raw Materials powder Shikonin
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Shikonin raw Materials powder Shikonin

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Shikonin powder Usage and Synthesis.

Treatment of hepatitis: ‌ shikonin is used for the treatment of acute icteric or non-icteric hepatitis, ‌ chronic hepatitis, ‌ has a good effect. ‌ The usage and dosage are intramuscular injection, ‌ for the treatment of hepatitis 2mg each time, ‌ once a day or every other day, ‌ generally 10 to 30 times for a course of treatment. ‌

Treatment of eczema and burns: ‌ alkannin has cool blood, invigorate the circulation,  pain detoxification effect of anti-infection, ‌ for treatment of toxic heat blood flow field, ‌ ulcers, ‌ conditions such as eczema, shingles ‌, ‌ burns has certain effect. ‌ borage oil is a proprietary Chinese medicine, main composition including radix arnebiae seu lithospermi ‌, ‌ angelica, ‌, ‌ angelica dehurica, cortex phellodendri, ‌ for purple brown ointment, ‌ has qingrejiedu, ‌, ‌ cool blood stasis detumescence analgesic effect. ‌

Promote wound healing: ‌ shikonin stimulates fibroblast proliferation and collagen synthesis, ‌ helps speed up the wound healing process. ‌

Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects: ‌ shikonin exerts antibacterial effects by interfering protein synthesis or destroying cell wall structure of bacteria, ‌ and can block the production and release of inflammatory mediators, ‌ reduce tissue injury and edema. ‌

Regulating immune function: ‌ shikoin can enhance the body's natural immune response, ‌ can also regulate the adaptive immune response, ‌ improve the body's ability to fight pathogens. ‌

Shikonin powder

Uses of Shikonin.

Edible purple coloring. Used for coloring of spicy meat and poultry cans, dosage 0.35 ~ 0.56g/kg. The crushed comfrey can be placed in a fine sieve, and the hot oil at 160 ~ 170 ° C is poured on it to dissolve the pigment in the oil. Sieve the oil, mix with the paprika in the container, stir well and boil to make a mixed sauce.


Pharmacological action of Shikonin

(1) Hypoglycemic effect of Comfrey leaf extract and comfrey glycan (A, B, C) have obvious hypoglycemic effect.

(2) Bacteriostatic effect comfrey has inhibitory effect on Jingke 68-1 virus in vitro, and has inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus. The anti-parainfluenza virus activity of levoshitin was studied by blood cell agglutination and cytopathic method. The results showed that it had low toxicity in the concentration range used in the experiment, and had certain anti-influenza virus activity in vitro and killing parainfluenza virus directly.

(3) Effect on blood coagulation Intraperitoneal injection of shikonin pigments (shikonin, acetylshikonin) does not affect blood coagulation time, but can prevent the anticoagulant effect of heparin.

(4) Anti-tumor effect of Comfrey extract on Hela cell DNA synthesis late stage (G2 stage) has certain inhibitory effect. (5) Cancer inhibitory effect shikonin inhibited proliferation, promoted apoptosis and induced cell cycle arrest in human choriocarcinoma resistant cell lines (JAR/MTX) cultured in vitro. Experiments showed that the inhibitory rate of shikonin on the growth of choriocarcinoma resistant cells also increased significantly with the increase of the dose and the extension of the action time.

(6) Effects on hormone secretion Effects of shikosin on hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis function of adolescent female rats showed that the serum hormone level of the shikosin group was significantly lower than that of the negative control group, and there was no significant difference between the positive control group and the negative control group. The results indicated that shikonin could inhibit the function of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in rats.

(7) Antioxidant activity Researchers have determined the scavenging ability of porphyrin on superoxide free radical (O2-) and 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrohydrazine free radical (DPPH), and its inhibitory effect on β-carotene/linoleic acid autoxidation system. The results showed that comfrey pigment had strong scavenging ability on DPPH and O2-, and significantly inhibited β-carotene/linoleic acid autoxidation system. It was suggested that the pharmacological action of comfrey might be related to the strong antioxidant ability of naphthoquinone pigments. Toxicity

Shikonin raw

Product Methods of Shikonin.

The roots of comfrey were extracted with 4 times the amount (mass) of refined soybean oil for 6min at 165 ~ 170 ℃, and then the extract was divided into 2 times with 95% ethanol (volume ratio), which was slightly more than the soybean oil. The ethanol extract is concentrated at a vacuum of 80kPa, and then the insoluble matter is filtered to obtain the finished product.

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