Naringin Raw Materials powder Naringin
Naringin Raw Materials powder Naringin
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Naringin Raw Materials powder Naringin

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Product details

Naringin powder Usage and Synthesis.

Naringin is a dihydroflavonoid compound. Because there is no conjugation between the A ring and the B ring, there is a strong ultraviolet absorption peak at 282nm, so that naringin shows a variety of biological activities and pharmacological effects. It has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anticancer, anti-mutation, anti-allergy, anti-ulcer, analgesic and hypotensive activities, can lower blood cholesterol, reduce the formation of thrombosis, improve local microcirculation and nutrient supply, and can be used for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Naringin powder

Uses and functions of Naringin.

It has obvious anti-inflammatory effect, can reduce the viscosity of blood, reduce the formation of thrombus, and has analgesia, sedation and increase the bile secretion of experimental animals.

Natural pigments, flavor modifiers and bitters are used in the production of food and beverage, and can also be used as raw materials for the synthesis of new sweeteners with high sweetness, non-toxic and low energy, dihydronaringin chalone and neohesperidin dihydrochalone. Naringin can also be used in other fields. Zou Hong reported: Naringenin can block the free radical chain reaction of pyrogallol autoxidation, that is, naringenin has antioxidant effect.


Pharmacological action method of Naringin.

1. It has been reported that naringin injected 100mg/kg subcutaneous in rats has obvious anti-inflammatory effect, and naringin at 200mg/l concentration has strong inhibitory effect on vesicular stomatitis virus;

2, reduce the viscosity of blood, reduce the formation of thrombus, and have analgesia, sedation and strong increase in bile secretion of experimental animals;

3, it has the properties of desensitization and anti-allergy, promoting blood circulation and relieving spasmosis, improving local microcirculation and nutrient supply, and has a unique effect on promoting drug excretion, relieving the damage of streptomycin to the eighth cranialnerve, and alleviating the toxic side effects of streptomycin;

4, naringin under alkaline conditions, after oxidation treatment, can get dihydrochalcone sweetener, its sweetness is 1000 times of sucrose. Naringin and isovanillin react to produce neohesperidin, which is 950 times sweeter than dihydrochalone. Neohesperidin is a new generation of non-toxic, low energy and high sweetness sweetener.

Naringin raw

Product method of Bulk Naringin.

It is processed from Citrus paradisl, citrus, pomelo and other citrus peel extracts.

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