Superoxide dismutase raw Materials powder Superoxide dismutase
Superoxide dismutase raw Materials powder Superoxide dismutase
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Superoxide dismutase raw Materials powder Superoxide dismutase

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Product details

Superoxide dismutase powder Usage and Synthesis.

Food aspect

SOD content is high in vegetables and fruits, such as bananas, hawthorn, prickly pear, kiwi, garlic, etc., other such as scallops, chicken and so on are also distributed. SOD activity was higher in the skin than in the flesh and higher in the fresh fruit than in the placed fruit. It is processed into health care products and food additives in various forms, such as milk, beer, soft candy and other types of food nutrition fortification agents with SOD added.

Daily chemical industry

Skin aging and damage is an important feature of human aging, and human aging is caused by the accumulation or removal of reactive oxygen species free radicals, excess free radicals in the body will cause cell damage and pigmentation. Because human skin is in direct contact with oxygen, it will cause skin aging and damage. The addition of exogenous SOD is beneficial to the function of delaying skin aging, anti-oxidation and removing color spots. Therefore, many cosmetic manufacturers at home and abroad have added a certain proportion of SOD to their products. Such as France's Estee Lauder pomegranate water, Japan's SKII fairy water, and domestic Dabao SOD honey

Anti-inflammatory aspect

Based on the fact that SOD is a specific disproportionation catalyst acting on superoxide anion free radicals, SOD, as a medical product, has a significant effect on the treatment of inflammation, autoimmune, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases caused by free radicals. SOD can inhibit inflammation such as arthritis, pleurisy and acute tracheitis by its antioxidant effect..

Superoxide dismutase powder

Uses of Superoxide dismutase.

Used in biochemical research, it is commonly used in clinical treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and other autoimmune diseases, treatment of some cardiovascular diseases, and anti-aging.

Superoxide dismutase preparation is mainly used in the clinical treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatitis, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and other autoimmune diseases, the treatment of myocardial ischemia and ischemia reperfusion syndrome. It can also be used for replantation of severed limbs, plastic surgery, cosmetology, protection and transplantation of kidney, liver, heart and other organs. But diabetes, hepatitis, uremia patients contraindicated. Not compatible with acidic or alkaline drugs, alcohol-containing preparations, metal salts and antibiotics.

Intramuscular injection, 8mg once, 2 ~ 4 times a week; Intraarticular injection, 4mg once, once every 2 weeks; Radiation sequelae, deep intramuscular injection, 4mg once, half an hour after radiotherapy.

Superoxide dismutase

Pharmacological action of Superoxide dismutase.

Product Methods of Superoxide dismutase.

Bovine red blood cells were used as raw materials to separate and remove hemoglobin after washing, and then refined by column chromatography and dialysis.

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