Tea Polyphenol Raw material Tea Polyphenol powder
Tea Polyphenol Raw material Tea Polyphenol powder
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Tea Polyphenol Raw material Tea Polyphenol powder

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Product details

Tea Polyphenol powder Usage and Synthesis.

(1) It can be added to animal fats and oils such as lard, chicken oil, fish oil, cream, butter, mayonnaise, and vegetable fats and oils such as soybean oil, peanut oil, vegetable oil, tea oil, corn oil, palm oil to prevent rancidity of fats and oils. Add the amount of 0.005% to 0.05% of the fat content, the effect is very significant. (2) Tea polyphenols can be added to fried potato chips, fried instant noodles, fried peanut rice, fried fish and other foods at 0.01% to 0.02% of the fat content, with significant antioxidant effect and preventing fishy odor during frying.

(3) In the processing of aquatic products, tea polyphenol is added at a dose of 0.01% to 0.02%, which can have significant antioxidant, anti-corrosion and deodorization effects.

(4) Various meat products will be immersed in a solution prepared with tea polyphenols and other additives, the concentration of tea polyphenols is 0.05% to 0.2%, the immersion time is 5 to 10min, the solution temperature is 60 to 70 ℃. At this time, the protein on the surface of meat products and tea polyphenol will form a layer of impermeable hard film.

It can make meat products have antioxidant effect, which can inhibit bacterial growth and prevent spoilage. In the processing of ham, sausage, bacon and other cured foods, add 0.01% to 0.02% of tea polyphenols, not only can inhibit oxidative spoilage, but also reduce the content of nitrite in the cured food, so that the cured food appeared to be delicious flavor.

(5) Tea polyphenols added to dairy products, both to eliminate odor, but also to prevent the oxidative corruption of oil and fat substances in dairy products, and can significantly improve the flavor of dairy products. The amount of additives is generally 0.01% to 0.05%.

Tea Polyphenol powder

Uses of Tea Polyphenol powder.

Tea polyphenols have a series of good pharmacological functions such as antioxidant effect and anti-aging, lowering blood lipids.

China's regulations can be used in pastry fillings, fats and ham, the maximum use of 0.4g/kg; for meat and fish products, the maximum use of 0.3g/kg; for fried food and instant noodles, the maximum use of 0.2g/kg (in terms of catechins in fats and oils); used in sauces containing fats and oils, the maximum use of 0.lg.kg.

Characteristic of Tea Polyphenol powder.

Tea polyphenol is a yellowish to tea-brown slightly tea-scented aqueous solution, powdered solid or crystal, with astringent flavor, soluble in water, ethanol, ethyl acetate, slightly soluble in oils and fats.

Heat resistance and acid resistance is good, in the pH = 2 ~ 7 range are very stable. Slightly hygroscopic, aqueous solution pH=3~4. It is easy to oxidize and brown under alkaline condition.

Catechins account for about 60% to 80% of the total amount of tea polyphenols. Green tea and its by-products as raw materials extracted polyphenols, tea polyphenol content is greater than 95%, of which 70% to 80% of catechins; flavonoids 4% to 10%; gallic acid 0.3% to 0.5%; amino acids 0.2% to 0.5%; 0.5% to 1.0% of the total sugar.

Chlorophyll is dominated by demagnesium chlorophyll, with a content of 0.01% to 0.05%.

Tea Polyphenol raw powder

Product method of Bulk Tea Polyphenol powder.

Solvent extraction method to take the current year's tea leaves or old tea crushed through 0.75mm sieve, add 10 times the amount of water, at 90 ℃ stirring extraction l0min.

Filtered while hot, the filter residue and then extracted 2 times; combined 3 times the filtrate, add an equal volume of chloroform stirring extraction for 30min, static stratification, take the aqueous phase, add 3 times the amount of ethyl acetate, successively extracted 3 times, each time 20min.

Static layering, collect the organic phase, distillation under reduced pressure to recover ethyl acetate; residual liquid concentrated to dry, cooled and freeze-dried to obtain white powder, yield 29%.

Precipitation extraction TP can be extracted with Ca2+, Mg2+, A13+, Zn2+, etc. to form a precipitate to extract, the extraction rate of 7.5% ~ 8.5%.

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