Natrual plant extract Salidroside Raw Materials powder
Natrual plant extract Salidroside Raw Materials powder
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Natrual plant extract Salidroside Raw Materials powder

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Salidroside powder Usage and Synthesis.

Salidroside is a natural compound that has broad potential in supporting physical and mental health. In addition, salidroside may also provide a range of health benefits, from improved mood to improved athletic performance and recovery. At present, salidroside is also widely used in food, health products and medicine.

Salidroside powder

Uses of Salidroside powder.

Antibacterial action, protection of cardiovascular function, effective antioxidant, anti-cancer activity, memory enhancement, anti-radiation effect.


Pharmacological action of Salidroside.

1. Anti-fatigue effect: Oral administration of Rhodiola rosea can prolong pole climbing time, swimming time and load swimming time of mice. It can shorten the recovery time after fatigue, improve the enzyme, RNA and protein levels, and make the muscle recover as soon as possible after fatigue.

2. Effect on CNS: Rhodiola rosea can normalize the content of 5-hydroxytryptamine in mice under swimming conditions, that is, the content of CNS has been corrected or reached a normal level from normal sand dunes. Mice injected with salidroside (30-300mg/kg) reduced serotonin levels.

3, anti-hypoxia effect: oral extract of Rhodiola rosea, rhodiola rosea narrow leaf, crimson rhodiola Rosea can make the test animals show obvious resistance to various hypoxia modes, its effect is stronger than ginseng and Acanthopanax.

4, anti-aging effect: Rhodiola rosea alcohol extract can improve the activity of SOD in red blood cells and liver of rats, and has a trend of increasing the activity of myocardial SOD. Red wild flax fly drinking Rhodiola extract can prolong life obviously, and the life extension rate is better than ginseng. Rhodiola can promote the proliferation and decrease the mortality of 2BS cells, inhibit lipid peroxidation and enhance the activity of serum superoxide dismutase.

5, anti-tumor: rhodiola does have a certain inhibitory effect on S180 cells, in the range of non-toxic side doses, this effect is enhanced with the increase of concentration. Continuous oral administration of rhodiola rosea extract can reduce the carcinogenic damage degree of erythromycin on mouse small intestine wall and improve the anti-cancer ability of the body.

6. Detoxification: salidroside has an antagonistic effect on strychnine poisoning, and can improve the survival rate of mice after strychnine poisoning to 50%; It also has the effect of antagonizing corynebacterium toxin, and can fight tetanus and other bacterial toxins, and increase the survival time or survival rate of mice taking potent poisons, sodium cyanide, sodium nitrite.

Product method of Bulk Salidroside powder.

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