Paracetamol Topiramate Raw Materials Powder
Paracetamol Topiramate Raw Materials Powder
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Paracetamol Topiramate Raw Materials Powder

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Product details

Topiramate Powder Usage and Synthesis.

Topiramate is a novel antiepileptic drug consisting of a sulfamate-substituted monosaccharide. Electrophysiological and biochemical studies in cultured neurons yielded three properties of topiramate relevant to its antiepileptic action.

Action potentials repeatedly elicited by continuous neuronal depolarisation were blocked by topiramate in a time-dependent pattern: suggesting that topiramate blocks state-dependent sodium channels.

Topiramate increases the frequency of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), activating GABA receptors, thereby enhancing GABA-induced chloride inward flow: suggesting that topiramate enhances inhibitory neurotransmitter effects.

Topiramate Powder

Uses and functions of Topiramate.

Topiramate is a new broad-spectrum antiepileptic drug that is effective against all types of seizures.

It is particularly effective against primary and secondary generalised tonic clonic seizures and simple or complex partial seizures.

It is also effective against myoclonus and infantile spasms. It is used as a mood stabiliser in the treatment of bipolar disorder.

Topiramate Raw Materials

Pharmacological Effects of Piroxicam.

The primary mechanism of action of Topiramate is to block the spread of epileptic seizures rather than to prevent them from occurring, and TPM has been found to exert its antiepileptic effects through a variety of mechanisms, including:

1, blocking voltage-dependent sodium channels thereby reducing the duration of epileptic discharges and the number of action potentials generated per discharge.

2, Antagonising erythrocyanine/AMPA - glutamate receptors.

3, Enhances GABA activity at the non-benzodiazepine port site of the GABA receptor.

4, Mildly inhibits carbonic anhydrase.

5, Blocks T-type calcium channels.

6, Blocking excitatory central neurotransmitter glutamate AMPA receptor activity.

Recent studies suggest that blocking L-type high voltage-dependent calcium channels may be one of the most important mechanisms of action of topiramate in antiepilepsy.

Topiramate Raw Powder

Production method of Topiramate Raw Powder.

Topiramate is rapidly and completely absorbed. After oral administration of topiramate 100 mg to healthy subjects, a mean peak plasma concentration (Cmax) of 1.5 μg/mL was reached in 2 h. Topiramate was not extensively metabolised in healthy volunteers (equal to approximately 20%).

Six metabolites of topiramate formed by hydroxylation, hydrolysis and glucuronidation were isolated, characterised and identified from human plasma, urine and faeces.

Each metabolite was present in less than 3% of the total radiolabelled excretion after administration of 14C-topiramate.

Experiments with two of these metabolites, which retain most of the structure of topiramate, revealed that they had little or no anticonvulsant activity.

In humans, the major route of clearance of the prototype topiramate and its metabolites is via the kidneys (at least 81 per cent of the dose), with approximately 66 per cent of 14C-topiramate excreted in the urine as the prototype form within 4 days

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