High Purity Bulk Benzhexol hydrochloride Powder
High Purity Bulk Benzhexol hydrochloride Powder
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High Purity Bulk Benzhexol hydrochloride Powder

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Benzhexol hydrochloride Powder Usage and Synthesis.

Benzhexol Hydrochloride is used for Parkinson's disease, Parkinson's syndrome. It is also used for drug-induced extrapyramidal disorders.

Oral. Parkinson's disease, Parkinson's syndrome, the beginning of the day 1 ~ 2mg (0.5-1 tablets), and then every 3 ~ 5 days to increase 2mg (1 tablet), until the best efficacy without side effects, generally no more than 10mg (5 tablets) a day, divided into 3 ~ 4 times to take, must be taken for a long time. Extreme dose of 20mg (10 tablets) a day. For drug-induced extrapyramidal disorders, 2~4mg (1-2 tablets) on the first day, divided into 2~3 times, and then gradually increased to 5~10mg (2.5-5 tablets) depending on the need and tolerance. Elderly patients should reduce the dosage as appropriate.

Benzhexol hydrochloride Powder

Uses and functions of Benzhexol hydrochloride.

Benzhexol Hydrochloride is a central anticholinergic anti-Parkinson's disease drug, which acts by selectively blocking the cholinergic neural pathway in the striatum with less peripheral effects, thus facilitating the restoration of the balance of dopamine and acetylcholine in the brain of Parkinson's disease patients and improving their Parkinson's disease symptoms.

Used for Parkinson's disease, Parkinson's syndrome. It is also used for drug-induced extrapyramidal disorders. Its pharmacological actions and side effects are similar in nature to belladonna alkaloids.

Bulk Benzhexol hydrochloride

Pharmacological Effects of Benzhexol hydrochloride.

Benzhexol hydrochloride has a central M receptor blocking effect, can counteract the excitatory function of the acetylcholinergic system in the nigrostriatum of the central nervous system.

Weak peripheral M receptor blockade, vagal blockade for atropine I / Io, pupil dilation for its I / 3, antispasmodic effect for its 112, so the inhibitory effect on the glands and smooth muscle is weak.

Acetylcholine is the excitatory neurotransmitter of the extrapyramidal nigrostriatal pathway. Tremor paralysis is a degenerative disease of the nigrostriatal pathway, resulting in a weakening of the inhibitory effect of dopamine and a relative enhancement of the excitatory effect of acetylcholine, causing clinical symptoms.

Therefore, Benzhexol may be effective in the treatment of tremor paralysis through central anticholinergic effects.

Bulk Benzhexol hydrochloride Powder

Production method of  Bulk Benzhexol hydrochloride Powder.

Oral absorption is fast and complete, can cross the blood-brain barrier, oral 1 hour onset of action, the effect lasts 6~12 hours. 56% of the dosage is excreted in the urine, the excretion is slowed down in renal insufficiency, and there is accumulation effect, and it can be secreted from breast milk.

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