Polydextrose Raw Materials Polydextrose Powder
Polydextrose Raw Materials Polydextrose Powder
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Polydextrose Raw Materials Polydextrose Powder

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Polydextrose Powder Usage and Synthesis.

Polydextrose is used in food additives as: thickeners, fillers, formulators. Polydextrose is an important ingredient used in the manufacture of low calorie, low fat, low cholesterol and low sodium health foods.

Polydextrose can show some important functions in food such as: necessary volume, good texture, can improve the oily mouthfeel of the food, has a low freezing point for cold meals, sweet snacks, and does not lead to dental caries. Polydextrose can reduce the amount of sugar, fat and starch in food, and has low calorie (4.18KJ/g).

Polydextrose is used in low-sugar foods and is suitable for diabetics. Polydextrose is an important raw material for all kinds of "liquid and solid" health drinks. This product can also be taken in daily life with milk and water alone.

Polydextrose Powder

Uses of Polydextrose.

That is, its potassium salt. Modified polydextrose and refined polydextrose: purify polydextrose to get white to milky white modified polydextrose. Main functions and uses:

1, filler: polydextrose makes low-calorie food with good taste and texture, the effect is better than gum, can be used in large quantities to reduce the calorie of food such as chewing gum, frozen desserts, bakery products, jellies, hard candies, soft candies and so on.

2、Anti-freezing agent: Polydextrose can reduce the freezing point of food, especially suitable for making delicious creamy frozen sweets to get ideal hardness.

3、Low temperature protection agent: It can be used to refrigerate fish and meat products to protect food from the destructive physical effects of freezing.

4, Antiseptic and freshness preservation, high osmotic pressure: polydextrose solution can maintain a higher level of soluble solids and reduce water activity.


Pharmacological effect of Bulk Polydextrose Powder.

Polydextrose is a chemical substance with the molecular formula (C6H10O5)n, also known as polydextrose or soluble dietary fiber.

It has a variety of pharmacological effects in the medical field. For example, dextrose 70, with an average molecular weight of about 7,000, increases plasma colloid osmotic pressure and absorbs extravascular water to replenish blood volume, thereby maintaining blood pressure.

In addition, it can depolymerize aggregated erythrocytes and platelets and reduce blood viscosity, thereby improving microcirculation and tissue perfusion and preventing thrombosis in the late stage of shock. Polydextrose is also widely used in the food industry as a food additive and sweetener.

Polydextrose raw

Product Methods of Polydextrose.

Made by vacuum polycondensation of about 90% glucose, 10% sorbitol and 1% citric acid [or 0.1% (by mass) phosphoric acid] blended into a molten mixture. If neutralized and then decolorized by potassium hydroxide, a clear 70% solution is obtained.

It can also be neutralized by dry mixing with potassium hydroxide or potassium bicarbonate, and the neutralized polydextrose is called "Polydextrose-N" (Polydextrose-N). It can also be decolorized. It can also be partially hydrogenated with a nickel Riesling catalyst to reduce the residual glucose.

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