Supply Sa-son Seed Gum raw Materials Powder Sa-son Seed Gum
Supply Sa-son Seed Gum raw Materials Powder Sa-son Seed Gum
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Supply Sa-son Seed Gum raw Materials Powder Sa-son Seed Gum

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Sa-son Seed Gum Powder Usage and Synthesis.

With high gluten and high viscosity: Artemisia gum in the flour, especially poor quality flour and gluten-free mixed grain flour dough has a strong complex bonding force, so that the gluten output rate increased by 2-3%, the rheological properties are greatly improved, artemisia gum absorb water to form a slippery flocculent colloidal gel, is the dough of the strong binder, significantly enhance the gluten of the flour, can be used as a dough regulator, adding 0.1% - 0.3% of low (weak) gluten flour can make the dough tensile strength increased by 2-3 times, the noodle hanging and breaking time extended by 2-5 times. 1% of the aqueous solution of artemisia gum can reach 900Pa, and the viscosity can be extended by 1.5%. 0.3% of Artemisia gum in low (weak) gluten flour, can make the dough tensile strength increased by 2--3 times, the noodle hanging and breaking time prolonged by 2--5 times.

The viscosity of the 1% aqueous solution of artemisinin gum can be up to 900 Pa.s, which is about 1800 times that of gelatine of the same concentration and 12 times that of sodium alginate. At the same time the stabilisation time of the flour is lengthened, the decay value is reduced and the dough energy value is significantly increased.

Sa-son Seed Gum Powder

Uses of Sa-son Seed Gum.

Thickener, stabiliser, dough regulator (add 0.2%, dough tensile strength increase 1 to 2 times); water retention agent, film-forming agent.

Sa-son Seed Gum

Pharmacological action of Sa-son Seed Gum.

Product Method of Bulk Sa-son Seed Gum Powder.

Obtained from the seed coat of Artemisia halodendron (Artemisa halodendron; A. "0rdosic; A. sphaerocephala) by defatting and drying.

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