Diphenhydramine Raw Material Powder
Diphenhydramine Raw Material Powder
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Diphenhydramine Raw Material Powder

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Diphenhydramine Powder Usage and Synthesis:

English name: Diphenhydramine Raw Material, English synonyms: Syntedril; Syntodril; Vena; n,n-dimethyl-4,4-diphenyl-3-oxabutylamine; AURORAKA-7664; DIPHENHYDRAMINE; DIPHENHYDRAMINEBASE; CAS number: 58-73-1, molecular formula: C17H21NO, molecular weight: 255.35, EINECS number: 200-396-7. Diphenhydramine Raw Material is a key intermediate in the synthesis of antihistamines diphenhydramine and diphenhydramine hydrochloride. Diphenhydramine Powder is mainly used to treat allergies, and can also be used to treat insomnia, colds and nausea. Henrikang is a Diphenhydramine Raw Material Powder manufacturer and exporter in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China. The price is reasonable and the service is considerate. Looking forward to cooperation. Benzene Diphenhydramine Powder ([147-24-0]) is white crystal Natural powder, melting point 161-162°C (166-170°C). Soluble in water and alcohol, odorless, bitter taste.

Diphenhydramine Raw Material

Pharmacokinetics of Diphenhydramine Powder:

Diphenhydramine is an ethanolamine antihistamine. Clinically, it is mainly used for urticaria, allergic rhinitis, dermatitis and eczema. As a derivative of ethanolamine, the antihistamine effect is not as good as that of promethazine, and the duration of action is also shorter. The sedative effect of the two drugs is the same. It also has local anesthesia, antiemetic and anti-M-cholinergic effects.

(1) Histamine effect: it can compete with the histamine released from the tissue for the H1 receptor on the effector cells, thereby preventing the onset of allergies;

(2) Sedative and hypnotic effect: the mechanism of inhibiting central nervous activity is not yet clear;

(3) Antitussive effect: It can directly act on the cough center of the medulla oblongata, inhibiting the cough reflex.

Diphenhydramine Raw Material Powder

Clinical Application of Diphenhydramine Powder:

Diphenhydramine Powder forms a salt with hydrochloric acid to make diphenhydramine hydrochloride, which is a kind of antihistamine drugs. It can reduce the reaction of tissues to the body and eliminate various allergic symptoms. Diphenhydramine Powder has a strong central nervous system inhibitory effect and a mild sedative and antiemetic effect. For urticaria, hay fever, angioedema, serum sickness, contact dermatitis, allergic conjunctivitis. It can prevent motion sickness such as seasickness, motion sickness, vomiting during pregnancy and agitators. It is used for allergic diseases of skin and mucous membranes and nausea and vomiting caused by boating and driving.

Diphenhydramine Powder Equment

1. Skin and mucous membrane allergies, such as urticaria, angioneurotic edema, allergic rhinitis, other skin pruritus, anal pruritus, vulvar pruritus, drug eruption or jaundice, and it is also effective for insect bites and contact dermatitis ;

2. Acute allergic reaction can reduce the allergic reaction caused by blood transfusion or plasma; antihistamine drugs such as diphenhydramine are often used before blood transfusion, usually 40 mg of diphenhydramine is given intramuscularly, and attention should be paid to the screening of blood donors , Try not to use blood donors with a history of allergies. Avoid repeated transfusions of the same donor’s blood to avoid antigen-antibody reactions. If there are anti-IgA antibodies in the recipient’s body, wash red blood cells can be transfused. This washing method can remove IgA in the donor’s blood , to prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions.

3. Prevention and treatment of motion sickness and seasickness, it has a strong antiemetic effect, and can also be used to prevent and treat radiation sickness, postoperative vomiting, and nausea and vomiting caused by drugs;

4. For Parkinson's disease and extrapyramidal symptoms;

5. Sedation, used for hypnosis and preoperative medication;

6. Dental local anesthesia, when the patient is highly allergic to commonly used local anesthetics, 1% diphenhydramine solution can be used as a dental local anesthetic;

7. Antitussive, as a non-addictive antitussive, it is suitable for treating cough caused by cold or allergies, but its antitussive effect has not yet been confirmed.

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