HRK Supply Antimony Trioxide raw Powder Antimony Trioxide
HRK Supply Antimony Trioxide raw Powder Antimony Trioxide
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HRK Supply Antimony Trioxide raw Powder Antimony Trioxide

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Antimony Trioxide powder Usage and Synthesis.

Antimony trioxide is a widely used additive flame retardant for polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, polyester, epoxy resin, polyurethane and other plastics. When used alone, the flame retardant effect is low, and phosphate esters, chlorine-containing compounds (such as chlorinated paraffins, PCBs, perchloro garrison cyclodecane, etc.), bromine-containing compounds (such as hexabromobiphenyl, hexabromobenzene) and use, there is a good synergistic effect, flame retardant performance is significantly improved.

Antimony trioxide and chloride or bromide and generate antimony chloride or antimony bromide, they are reactive and volatile substances, in the solid state can promote the movement of halogens and the generation of carbides, in the gaseous state can capture free radicals, these reactions contribute to flame retardancy.

It is often used with zinc oxide and sodium hydroxide as a co-efficient of bromine flame retardants in plastic fire protection systems. Antimony trioxide can be used in the manufacture of antimony potassium tartrate, pigments, porcelain glazes, mordants and so on. It is also used as a catalyst in polyester polycondensation.

Antimony Trioxide Powder

Uses of Antimony Trioxide.

Used as flame retardant for various resins, synthetic rubber, canvas, paper, paint, etc., catalyst for petrochemical and synthetic fibre. Used in the manufacture of mordant, emulsifier, is the raw material for the synthesis of antimony salt. Used as additive in enamel industry to increase the opacity and surface gloss of enamel. It is used as decolourant instead of arsenite in glass industry. Medicine, metallurgy, military industry, etc.

Excellent inorganic white pigment, mainly used for colouring paints. Used as flame retardant for various resins, synthetic rubber, canvas, paper, paint, etc., catalyst for petrochemical and synthetic fibre. Used in the manufacture of mordant, emulsion, is the raw material for the synthesis of antimony salt. Used in enamel industry to increase the opacity and surface gloss of enamel. It is used as decolouring agent instead of arsenite in glass industry.

Antimony Trioxide

Ingredient of Bulk Antimony Trioxide powder.

Product Methods of Antimony Trioxide.

There are dry and wet methods. The dry method is the method of producing products from antimony ore or antimony metal by roasting and oxidising. Wet method is antimony ore or antimony metal using liquid phase method and acid reaction method to produce products. Dry antimony ore (Sb2S3) is calcined at 1000°C in the presence of coke. The antimony trioxide vapour generated by oxidation is collected, condensed, and reduced with coke by heating to produce antimony metal using soda ash as a flux. The resulting antimony metal is then oxidised in air to obtain antimony trioxide.

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