Quinocetone Raw Materials Powder Quinocetone
Quinocetone Raw Materials Powder Quinocetone
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Quinocetone Raw Materials Powder Quinocetone

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Product details

Quinocetone Powder Usage and Synthesis.

The mechanism of action of quinolenone is mainly to promote assimilation metabolism and secondary increase of growth hormone, and accelerate animal growth. And by effectively inhibiting the synthesis of bacterial DNA, inhibit the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms in the digestive tract. For animals and poultry, especially young animals and poultry, antibacterial, anti-diarrhea, promoting growth effect is remarkable.

Quinocetone  powder

Uses and functions of Quinocetone.

Quinolone is used as an antibacterial, anti-diarrheal and growth promoting feed additive for livestock and poultry, mainly for respiratory tract and urinary tract infection caused by gram-negative bacteria and staphylococcus aureus. Especially suitable for intestinal infections such as chicken white dysentery, avian colibacillosis, typhoid paratyphoid and so on.


Pharmacological action of Quinocetone.

In the molecular structure of quinolenone, the parent nucleus is quinoxolin-1, 4-dioxide, and the side chain of its position 2 is completely different from that of quinolenol, so the biological activity is also very different, which retains its antibacterial and growth-promoting effect, but the toxicity is greatly reduced. The mechanism of its antibacterial and growthpromoting effect may mainly depend on the structure of its parent nucleus, of course, the important influence of its side chain on the pharmacodynamic of the parent nucleus cannot be completely ruled out. By effectively inhibiting the synthesis of bacterial DNA, quinolone selectively inhibits the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms in the digestive tract, but does not affect beneficial Escherichia coli and other gram-positive bacteria, so it can effectively control piglet diarrhea and avian pasteurellosis.

Quinocetone raw

Product method of Bulk Quinocetone Powder.

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