Isoprinosine CAS 36703-88-5 Raw Materials Powder
Isoprinosine CAS 36703-88-5 Raw Materials Powder
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Isoprinosine CAS 36703-88-5 Raw Materials Powder

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Product details

Isoprinosine Powder Usage and Synthesis.

 Isoprinosine Powder is a 1:3 complex of inosine and dimethylaminoopropisanol ester of acetamido benzoate, which is a chemically synthesized immunomodulator used in the pharmaceutical industry to treat viral disease infections such as influenza virus, herpes virus, and immunodeficiency 

Isoprinosine CAS 36703-88-5 is a white powder, odorless and Odorless. It is soluble in water. Isoprinosine has antiviral effects and is effective Isoprinosine has antiviral effects and is effective against herpes, influenza and nasal infections in humans.

Isoprinosine Raw Materials is an antiviral drug that increases peripheral blood lymphocytes, lymphocyte transformation rate and IFN levels in Isoprinosine Raw Materials is an antiviral drug that increases peripheral blood lymphocytes, lymphocyte transformation rate and IFN levels in children with herpes simplex virus infection.

Isoprinosine Powder

Application/Function of Isoprinosine Powder.

Isoprinosine Powder

It also restores normal immune function due to aging, including decreased lymphocyte proliferative response due to aging, cytotoxicity of NK, monocyte chemotaxis and vacuole-forming cell count to normal or near-normal levels.

Isoproterenol has antiviral effects and is effective against herpes, influenza and nasal infections in humans. It is more effective in patients with herpes simplex virus infection.

In addition to its direct antiviral effect, it has immune enhancing effect, mainly enhancing cellular immune function.

Clinical studies have shown that it can increase the proliferation of lymphocytes due to mitogenic factors, increase the production of antibodies, and increase the production of cytokines, such as interleukin-2. This product has high efficacy and low toxic side effects.

Isoproterenol is an antiviral drug that increases peripheral blood lymphocytes, lymphocyte transformation rate and IFN level in children with SSPE. It has been used for SSPE for nearly 20 years. Most studies have shown that the drug can improve or stabilize symptoms and increase survival rate in some children, and is mostly used in combination with IFN.

Isoprinosine Powder

It is mainly used for herpes simplex virus infection and genital warts, and also leads to improved immune function in patients with primary tumors such as lung cancer, breast cancer, and melanoma. Immune function is usually maintained for 2 months after each dose.

Isoproterenol is also effective in autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, including slowed blood sedimentation, reduced fibrinogen, decreased number of swollen joints, and reduced morning stiffness. It also has efficacy in polymicrobial stomatitis and focal genititis.

Veterinary medicine clinically isoproterenol can be used as an immune enhancer to assist in the treatment of various viral disease infections, especially respiratory disorder syndrome caused by viral infections.

Use characteristics: Isoproterenol is convenient and widely used, and can be used simultaneously with many drugs, according to the synergistic or additive effect. The product has no species specificity and can be widely used on poultry, pigs, cattle and other animals.

Isoprinosine Powder

Recommended formula: The product is recommended to be compounded with suitable drugs for the treatment of viral diseases:

Production Method of Isoprinosine Powder

This product is rapidly absorbed and metabolized after oral or intravenous administration. The blood concentration peaks after 1 hour of oral administration and decreases to disappear after 2 hours. The main excretion product is uric acid, while other metabolites are excreted in urine after oxidation or glucuronidation. The plasma half-life is 50 minutes for oral administration and 3 minutes for sedation.

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