Food and Feed Additive Ascorbic Acid raw Materials Powder
Food and Feed Additive Ascorbic Acid raw Materials Powder
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Food and Feed Additive Ascorbic Acid raw Materials Powder

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Ascorbic Acid Powder Usage and Synthesis.

Vitamin C participates in the production of collagen in the body, neutralizes toxins, promotes the production of antibodies, and enhances the detoxification function of the body. In medicine, it is mainly used for the prevention or treatment of scurvy, and for dental caries, gum abscess, anemia, growth and development arrest and other diseases caused by insufficient ascorbic acid. In food processing, it is used as a vitamin fortification agent for concentrated orange juice, fruit juice crystal, candy, jelly, fruit paste, etc.

Ascorbic Acid Powder

Uses of Ascorbic Acid.

Vitamin C participates in the complex metabolic process of the body, can promote growth and enhance resistance to disease, can increase egg production and improve eggshell quality. When animals lack vitamin C, there will be symptoms such as loss of appetite, growth stagnation, dull fur, and anemia. In addition, this product has strong reducibility and is a good antioxidant.

Synthetic medicinal vitamin C is identical to natural vitamin C. The product can promote folic acid to tetrahydrofolic acid, is conducive to nucleic acid synthesis, promote the production of red blood cells. It can also reduce trivalent iron ions to bivalent iron ions, which is easy to be absorbed by the body and is also beneficial to the generation of cells. Vitamin C is involved in the production of collagen in the body. It can neutralize toxins and promote the production of antibodies, and enhance the detoxification function of the body. In medicine, it is mainly used for the prevention or treatment of scurvy, and for dental caries, gum abscess, anemia, growth and development arrest and other diseases caused by insufficient asthenic acid.

Ascorbic Acid

Pharmacological action of Ascorbic Acid.

Vitamin C is involved in the formation of antibodies and collagen in the body, tissue repair (including certain redoxic effects), the metabolism of phenylalanine, tyrosine, and folate, the utilization of iron and carbohydrates, the synthesis of fats and proteins, and the maintenance of immune function, the hydroxylation of serotonin, the maintenance of blood vessels, and the absorption of non-heme iron. Vitamin C is involved in a variety of reactions in the body, such as participating in REDOX processes, playing an important role in biological oxidation and reduction, and cellular respiration. At the tissue level, the main role of vitamin C is related to the synthesis of the intercellular substance. Including collagen, the matrix of teeth and bone, and the junction between capillary endothelial cells. Therefore, when vitamin C deficiency caused by scurvy, accompanied by collagen synthesis defects, manifested as trauma difficult to heal, tooth formation disorders and capillary damage caused by a large number of blood stasis points, blood stasis points fusion to form ecchymosis.

bulk Ascorbic Acid

Product Method of Bulk Ascorbic Acid Powder.

Vitamin C is widely present in fresh vegetables and fruits, and industrial production is usually carried out by chemical enzymatic method. Glucose was hydrogenated to D-sorbitol under the catalysis of nickel, and then L-sorbitol was produced by oxidative fermentation with acetozyme bacteria at 30-34℃ and PH5.2-5.5. In the presence of fuming sulfuric acid and at -8℃, L-- was dissolved in acetone and condensed with it to form diacetone sorbitol. Diacetone-2-keto-l-gulonic acid is oxidized with sodium hypochlorite, and 2-keto-L-gulonic acid is hydrolyzed under acidic conditions, and then ascorbic acid is obtained.

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