Cyclohexapentylose Raw Materials Powder
Cyclohexapentylose Raw Materials Powder
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Cyclohexapentylose Raw Materials Powder

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Product details

Cyclohexapentylose Powder Usage and Synthesis.

1) Adjust gastrointestinal function and improve constipation. α-cyclodextrin will be decomposed by some normal parasitic bacteria in the intestine and converted into a series of short chain fatty acids such as acetic acid, propionic acid and casein. These short-chain fatty acids inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in the gut and contribute to the growth of probiotics such as bifidobacterium, which in turn can improve human immunity and prevent enteritis, bowel cancer, dysentery and constipation. Alpha-cyclodextrins are widely used in functional foods as food fiber or as additional material for improving metabolic syndrome.

2) Prevention and improvement of diabetes α-cyclodextrin can prevent the absorption of sugars in the intestine, promote the excretion of sugars after inclusion, reduce the peak blood sugar after high-starch diet, and achieve the effect of inhibiting the rise of blood sugar after meals. α-cyclodextrin has a good effect on the prevention and improvement of diabetes, and can be used as an effective hypoglycemic health food raw material to prevent postprandial hyperglycemia in patients with hyperglycemia and type II diabetes. Eu Regulation No. 536 of 2013 on Nutrition and health Claims on foods affirms that alpha cyclodextrin has a scientifically proven effect of regulating blood sugar "Consumption of starchy meals containing alpha cyclodextrin reduces the rise in blood sugar after a meal" if the food contains at least 5 grams of alpha cyclodextrin per 50 grams of starch in a meal size. Manufacturers were then allowed to label the product as having blood-sugar lowering properties.

3) Improve the stability of the additive α-cyclodextrin and vitamin E, natural pigments (β-carotene, chlorophyll, etc.), food flavors (such as rose oil, anisole, etc.) and other additives used in combination, can improve the stability of the additive, easy to long-term storage or maintain in food.

Cyclohexapentylose powder

Uses and functions of Cyclohexapentylose.

Betacyclodextrin, as a new pharmaceutical excipient, is mainly used to increase the stability of drugs, prevent oxidation and decomposition of drugs, improve the solubility and bioavailability of drugs, reduce the toxicity and side effects of drugs, and cover up the odor and odor of drugs. In food manufacturing, it is mainly used to eliminate odor and odor, improve the stability of spices, flavors and pigments, enhance emulsification and moisture-proof ability to improve the taste of food. It is a good stabilizer, emulsifier and flavor modifier for pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic manufacturing.


Pharmacological action of Cyclohexapentylose.

Product method of Bulk Cyclohexapentylose Powder.

Cyclodextrins were discovered by Villers in 1891, and α and β cyclodextrins were isolated in the early 2000s. In 1972-1973, the discovery of bacteria that produce cyclodextrin enzymes (cyclodextrin glucose translocation enzyme, or CGT-ase), especially basophilic bacteria, was of great significance for the large-scale production of cyclodextrin. Cyclodextrins can be obtained from starch processed in potato, corn and wheat by the following processes: starch suspension [liquefaction at 70-80℃][reaction with ethanol at 60℃], heating inactivation, filtration, concentration and drying.

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