Clindamycin Raw Material Clindamycin Powder
Clindamycin Raw Material Clindamycin Powder
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Clindamycin Raw Material Clindamycin Powder

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Product details

Clindamycine Powder Usage and Synthesis.

Clindamycine Powder is an antibacterial drug of the lincomycin class, a derivative of lincomycin, with an antibacterial activity 4-8 times stronger than that of lincomycin. Clindamycine Powder is used as an antibiotic in the treatment of bone and joint infections, abdominal infections, pelvic Clindamycine Powder is used as an antibiotic in the treatment of bone and joint infections, abdominal infections, pelvic infections, abscesses, lung abscesses, osteomyelitis, sepsis and other diseases, either alone or in combination with other antibacterial agents.

The hydrochloride is a white crystalline powder, odorless and bitter in taste. It is very soluble in water, slightly soluble in ethanol, easily soluble in methanol, almost insoluble in chloroform or acetone. 10% aqueous solution pH 3.0~5.5. Phosphate is white or off-white crystalline powder, moisture-attracting, odorless, bitter. It is soluble in water, slightly soluble in anhydrous ethanol, very slightly soluble in acetone, insoluble in ether and chloroform. 1% aqueous solution pH 3.0~4.5.

Clindamycine Powder

 Clindamycin is an oral protein synthesis inhibitory agent that has the ability to suppress the expression of virulence factors in Staphylococcus aureus at sub-inhibitory concentrations (sub-MICs). Clindamycin resistance results from enzymatic methylation of the antibiotic binding site in the 50S ribosomal subunit (23S rRNA). Clindamycin decreases the production of Panton-Valentine leucocidin (PVL), toxic-shock-staphylococcal toxin (TSST-1) or alpha-haemolysin (Hla).

Uses and functions of Clindamycine Powder.

Clindamycine Powder

Pharmacological Effects of Clindamycine Powder.

This product exerts antibacterial effects by binding to the 50S subunit of bacterial ribosome, preventing the extension of peptide chain and inhibiting protein synthesis. The antibacterial spectrum is similar to that of erythromycin, and it has high antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria such as Staphylococcus spp (including penicillin-resistant strains), Streptococcus spp, Bacillus diphtheriae and Bacillus anthracis.

It also has good antibacterial activity against Gram-negative anaerobic bacteria, most of which are highly sensitive to Bacillus spp (including Bacillus fragilis), Clostridium spp, Streptococcus pepticus, Streptococcus pepticus, Bacillus aerogenes, etc. Gram-negative aerobic bacteria including Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria spp. and Mycoplasma spp. are resistant to this product.

Clindamycine Powder

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