Cytisine Raw Material Cytisine Powder
Cytisine Raw Material Cytisine Powder
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Cytisine Raw Material Cytisine Powder

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Cytisine Powder Usage and Synthesis.

Cytisine Powder, wild indigo base, gold chain flower base, belongs to the quinolizidine alkaloids, is a derivative of pyridine, is one of the main Cytisine Powder, wild indigo base, gold chain flower base, belongs to the quinolizidine alkaloids, is a derivative of pyridine, is one of the main alkaloids in the bitter bean grass, mostly distributed in the legume family, Berberidaceae plants. 

Cytisine Raw Material has antiarrhythmic, anti-microbial infection, anti-ulcer, raise white blood cells and other aspects of pharmacological effects. effects.
Cytisine CAS 485-35-8 is mainly used clinically for the treatment of surgical trauma, battle wounds, reflex apnea in cases of poisoning caused by Cytisine is mainly used clinically for the treatment of surgical trauma, battle wounds, reflex apnea in cases of poisoning caused by asphyxiating agents, cyanogenic agents, anaesthetics, etc. and the failure of respiratory and cardiovascular activity in cases of infectious It is also used for the treatment of shock, deficiency and neonatal asphyxia.
Cytisine Powder

Uses and functions of Cytisine Powder.

Cytisine is derived from the seeds of SophonaalopecuroidesL., S. flavescensAit., the whole grass of ThermopsislanceolataR.Br., the above-ground parts of T. alpinaLeceb. lupinvides (L.) Link. above-ground parts, Wisteria WisteriasinensisSweet seeds, Goldenrod Cytisusosmariensis (Coss.) Ball., Hawksbill SpartiumjuliceumL., Alternifolia wild cassia ThermopsisalternifoliaRegeletSchmath., Small-leaved Wild Cassia T. chinensisBenth.
Resuscitation of surgical trauma, war injuries and asphyxiating agents, cyanide poisons, narcotics and other poisoning-induced reflex apnea and failure of respiratory and cardiovascular activity in infectious diseases, as well as shock, deficiency and neonatal asphyxia.
Cytisine Powder is used for content determination/identification/pharmacological tests etc.

Cytisine Powder

Pharmacological effects:For reflex apnoea, shock and neonatal asphyxia caused by surgery and various traumas. The alkaloids also have various pharmacological effects such as anti-arrhythmic, anti-microbial, anti-ulcer and leucocyte raising effects, especially the strong anti-cancer activity of the compounds. They are used in the production of smoking cessation drugs, first aid drugs and cough suppressants.

Pharmacological Effects of Cytisine Powder.

Cytisine is an anti-arrhythmic agent. It reduces myocardial stress and conduction, slows the heart rate and inhibits myocardial contractility. It is used clinically for the treatment of tachycardia. It reduces myocardial stress, conduction and contractility, slows down the heart rate and prolongs the inactivity period. It is mainly used for ventricular tachycardia and functional palpitations. It has a contractile effect on the uterus and can also be used to induce labour and uterine bleeding. It is also used in the preparation of hibernation preparations for artificial hibernation therapy.

The effect of chrysophanes on the respiratory system is similar to that of nicotine, which can reflexively excite breathing. When 0.02mg/kg or 1.5mg/kg is injected intravenously into the femur, it has a strong respiratory excitation effect on anesthetized cats, and at the same time, the heart rate increases and the blood pressure rises sharply, and then returns to normal soon after the respiratory excitation effect disappears. It was also stronger than 5 times (0.3mg/kg) the dose of sarcosine.
2. The pressurizing effect on the cerebral circulation was produced by injecting 0.1mg/kg into the carotid artery of cats. This effect was inhibited by PgE1 or PgE2 and enhanced by anti-inflammatory pain.

Cytisine Powder

Production method of Cytisine Powder.


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