Raw Materials Glossy Privet Fruit Extract Powder
Raw Materials Glossy Privet Fruit Extract Powder
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Raw Materials Glossy Privet Fruit Extract Powder

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Glossy Privet Fruit Extract Usage and Synthesis.

Chasteberry extract is the fruit extract of chasteberry, mainly containing organic acids of oleanolic acid, polysaccharides and fatty oils and other ingredients. It has the effect of nourishing the liver and kidney, brightening the eyes and darkening the hair. Used for dizziness, tinnitus, lumbar and knee weakness, premature whitening of hair, dark eyes.

Glossy Privet Fruit Extract Powder

Uses of Glossy Privet Fruit Extract.

It has the effects of tonifying the liver and kidney, clearing deficiency heat and brightening the eyes.

Modern pharmacological studies have shown that it has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulation, increase coronary flow, elevate white blood cells, hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, anti-lipid peroxidation, anti-bacterial and anti-cancer effects.

It is used for dizziness, lumbar and knee pain and weakness, spermatorrhea and tinnitus, premature whitening of beard and hair, bone vapour and tidal fever, and dark and unclear eyes.

Glossy Privet Fruit Extract Raw Materials

Pharmacological Effect of Glossy Privet Fruit Extract.

1, enhance immune function: chasteberry extract (1:1000), can make human lymphocyte EaRFC (Ea wreath recovery) percentage increase, can promote T-cell response to low-dose phytohemagglutinin (PHA). The aqueous extract of Ligustrum officinale significantly enhanced the proliferation of lymphocytes induced by PHA, cutinoglobulin (ConA) and mericarpine mitogen (PWM) in in vitro experiments.

2, on the cardiovascular system: 100% chasteberry decoction alcohol solution can make isolated rabbit heart coronary flow increase, but at the same time inhibit myocardial contractility, the effect on heart rate is not obvious, rabbits injected intravenously with chasteberry leaves ethyl acetate total extract 50mg/kg, the pituitary posterior lobe hormone (2 U/kg) caused by acute myocardial ischemia has a protective effect on myocardial ischemia (2U/kg) to improve the electrocardiogram of myocardial ischemia.

3, elevate white blood cells: chasteberry on chemotherapy or radiotherapy-induced leukopenia has elevated, mice with chasteberry alcohol extract preparation 40g/(kg-d) gavage, can significantly counteract cyclophosphamide-induced leukopenia.

4, hypoglycemic: oleanolic acid make normal mice blood sugar decreased significantly, the dose of 50, 100mg/(kg-d), gavage for 4 days of blood glucose values were (71.2±9.5) and (52.7±13.7) mg/dL, the control group was (109.8±10.5) mg/dL. there is a very significant difference.

5, Antibacterial effect: 50% chasteberry decoction has inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus, Fusarium dysentery bacillus, typhoid bacillus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli.

6, anticancer effect: chasteberry water immersion 60g/kg gavage, 1 dose per day, on the mouse cervix cancer 14 (V-14) inhibition rate of 49.2%, but on the sarcoma S180 and lymphoma (L1) ascites type is invalid. Chasteberry water infusion can inhibit the growth of certain transplanted tumours in animals. Oleanolic acid has lowered SGPT and hepatoprotective effect; mannitol has lowered intracranial pressure, intraocular pressure and diuretic effect.

7, anti-hepatic injury effect: oleanolic acid subcutaneous injection, can inhibit carbon tetrachloride-induced elevation of serum ghrelin in rats, rats not treated with carbon tetrachloride, but also make ghrelin decline. It can also reduce the liver injury caused by carbon tetrachloride.

8, anti-inflammatory effect: xylene-induced swelling of mouse auricle, acetic acid-induced increase in peritoneal capillary permeability in mice, and in time carrageenan gum, egg white, formaldehyde foot pad swelling in rats have obvious inhibitory effect.

9, other effects: chasteberry extract also has anti-aging effect, anti-fatigue effect, lipid-lowering effect, lowering the role of enzymes and other effects.

Product method of  Bulk Glossy Privet Fruit Extract Powder.

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