Raw Materials Sapindoside Powder
Raw Materials Sapindoside Powder
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Raw Materials Sapindoside Powder

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Sapindoside Powder Usage and Synthesis.

Sapogenins are natural nonionic surfactants with the main surface active components being triterpenoid saponins (I), sesquiterpenoid glycosides (II), fatty oils and proteins. The compound has various pharmacological effects in traditional Chinese medicine, such as lowering blood pressure and lowering blood cholesterol.

At present, there are different purity and proportion of Sapindus Saponins products on the market, of which 10-40% UV Sapindus Saponins proportion of the extract and 10% content of Sapindus Saponins dental mousse and other products are very popular among consumers.

Sapindoside Powder

Uses and Function of Sapindoside.

Sapindus saponins and glycosides can reduce the surface tension of water, has good foaming, and has a strong decontamination, antiseptic, antipruritic, pure aroma and other characteristics.

In the whitening lotion can be used as an effective ingredient to inhibit tyrosinase activity, can also be used in natural shampoo and a variety of cleansing cosmetics (such as facial cleanser, whitening lotion) as a natural active substances in the active ingredient.

In addition, Sapindales and its glycosides also have antibacterial, disinfectant effect on the skin, especially on fungi such as flocculent epidermal ringworm (Epidemophytonflocco-sum), etc., can be used externally to treat ringworm and ringworm.

Sapindus saponin is also a very good pesticide emulsifier, cotton aphids, red spider, sweet potatoes have a good effect.

Chemical Components of Sapindoside.

Sapindus saponin contains five-ring three shop class oleanolic alkane-type saponin (such as ivy saponin), four-ring three post class halothane-type saponin l% and dammarane-type saponin. Sapogenins generally contain only glucose, arabinose, rhamnose. As the structure of Sapindus saponins is similar, the difference is small, and thus generally identified by spectroscopic methods.

Sapindoside Raw

Medicinal Value of  Bulk Sapindoside Powder.

1. Inhibit the proliferation of tumour cells

2. Low concentration anti-Helicobacter pylori activity

3. Anti dermatophyte and Candida effects and hepatoprotective effects.

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