Raw Materials Gentiana Scabra Extract powder
Raw Materials Gentiana Scabra Extract powder
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Raw Materials Gentiana Scabra Extract powder

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Gentiana Scabra Extract Powder Usage and Synthesis.

Gentian herb extract is a valuable herbal cosmetic herb with a variety of effects.

Gentian herb extract can regulate local oestrogen levels in the skin, and its inhibition of elastase and antioxidant properties help prevent ageing when employed in cosmetics.

In addition, Gentian Herb Extract can promote the secretion of cholesterol in epidermal cells, improve the condition of oily and rough skin, as well as whitening and moisturising effects.

The specification of Gentian extract is 5:1, the property is brownish yellow fine powder, particle size is 100% through 100 mesh, the shelf life is two years, storage should be stored in a cool, dry, light-avoiding place!

Gentiana Scabra Extract

Uses of Gentiana Scabra Extract.


1.Treating nasopharyngeal cancer:15g of Gentian herb, wild chrysanthemum, Cangzhi seed, Xuan Shen, Hasan Ginseng, 30g of Amaryllis, Horse chestnut, and thatched berry, decocted in water, 1 dose daily. Anti-cancer Materia Medica

2. Treating pancreatic cancer: 15g of Gentian herb, 30g of Yin Chen, 6g of Rhizoma Coptidis, 2g of Saponaria, decoction with water, 1 dose daily. Anti-cancer Materia Medica

3. treating chronic granulocytic leukaemia: gentian herb, scutellaria baicalensis, gardenia, cypress, angelica each 30g, qingdai, aloe vera, rhubarb each 15g, 9g of wood incense, finely powdered, refined honey for pill, each pill weighs 6g. take orally, 3~4 pills per day, gradually increase to 6~9 pills.

Clearing heat and drying dampness, diarrhoeing liver and gall bladder fire. It is used for damp-heat jaundice, yin swelling and yin itching, subluxation of the belt, itching of eczema, liver fire and redness of the eyes, ossification and deafness of the ears, dystocia and bitterness of the mouth, strong middle, and convulsions of frightening winds. It is used as a bitter stomachic in modern medicine.

Extraction Method of Gentiana Scabra Extract.

At present, the preparation of Gentian grass infusion mainly adopts the warm immersion method - that is, extracted with methanol under the condition of 50 ℃ water bath.

Zhao Yonghuan et al. compared four methods of extracting the active ingredients in Gentian grass, namely, cold immersion, warm immersion, cold immersion and grinding, and Soxhlet extraction, and the results showed that Soxhlet extraction had the highest yield.

The extraction rate of warm immersion method is slightly higher than that of cold immersion method and cold immersion grinding method, cold immersion method and cold immersion grinding method have basically the same rate, but cold immersion requires less equipment, simple operation, comparable rate, and is suitable for the extraction of active ingredients in large quantities of Gentian grass.

Gentiana Scabra Extract Raw

Pharmacological Effect of Bulk Gentiana Scabra Extract Powder.

Gentian Picroside: It can directly promote the secretion of gastric juice, with hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antipathogenic microorganisms, central excitation and stomachic and choleretic effects.

DangYu Picroside: It can enhance the sleep time of barbiturates, the analgesic time of morphine and the anticonvulsant effect of phenytoin sodium, dilate capillaries, activate and promote the enzyme system of skin cells, and improve the biochemical function of the skin. It also has anti-inflammatory and analgesic, sedative effect.

When the drug glycoside: has a bitter stomachic effect.

Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, hypoxia and anti-fatigue effects: Gentian extract has inhibitory effect on the swelling of the ear shell of mice caused by xylene, it can reduce the number of writhing of mice caused by glacial acetic acid, prolong the survival time in hypoxia, and the content of hepatic glycogen of mice after swimming for 45min increased significantly, the content of lactic acid was reduced, and the comparison with the control group had a significant difference.

It indicates that Gentian extract has certain anti-inflammatory, analgesic, hypoxia resistance and anti-fatigue effects.

Protective effect of acute liver injury: Gentian herb aqueous extract can significantly inhibit the increase of ALT and AST content in serum of rats with acute hepatocellular necrosis caused by carbon tetrachloride and D-amino-galactose, improve the content of serum SOD and GSH-PX, and reduce the content of MDA.

This indicates that the aqueous extract of Gentiana scabra has a protective effect against carbon tetrachloride and D-galactosamine-induced acute liver injury in rats.

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