L-epicatechin Raw Materials powder L-epicatechin
L-epicatechin Raw Materials powder L-epicatechin
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L-epicatechin Raw Materials powder L-epicatechin

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L-epicatechin powder Usage and Synthesis.

Epicatechin is widely present in Senteng, aconite, polygonum multiflorum, cauligaena spatholobi, eublanca and lily lily, and is also used as an important active ingredient in catechu formula granules, Weimining capsules, Longxiang ointment, Qili SAN, Juanbi Antisheng pills, etc., and as an important index to evaluate drug quality. At the same time, it is also abundant in litchi, propolis, beer, grape seeds, red wine and other foods.

The molecular structure of epicatechin has multiple reactive groups and active sites, which can make epicatechin react with multiple phenols. Modern pharmacological studies have shown that flavonoids such as epicatechin have antioxidant, free radical scavenging, metabolism strengthening, immune regulation and anti-tumor functions. Among them, the antioxidant capacity of epicatechin is considered to be the combination of phenolic hydroxyl groups and free radicals in the molecule to eliminate free radicals, while anti-tumor affects the cycle process of tumor cells and inhibits the cycle growth of tumor cells, and there are many spectral antibacterial effects, which is considered to have great disease prevention potential

L-epicatechin powder

Uses of L-epicatechin powder.

Beneficial blood lipid regulation

High levels of total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, are associated with cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality.

The risk of cardiovascular disease attack with hyperlipidemia is three times higher than in subjects with normal lipid status, and a 1% reduction in serum cholesterol reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 3%, so improving lipid levels is an important goal for cardiovascular disease prevention.

For patients with type 2 diabetes, green tea extract supplements (catechins) may have a positive effect on lipid regulation, but due to the small sample size, more studies are needed to further verify.


Pharmacological action of L-epicatechin powder.


When the concentration of free radicals in the body is too high, it will increase the risk of disease. The antioxidant activity of epicatechin is thought to be due to its ability to trap chain-carrying free radicals by providing phenol hydrogen atoms in the A and B rings. Due to the presence of phenol hydroxyl group in the molecular structure of epicatechin, especially the o-hydroxyl group in catechol or catechol, it is easy to be oxidized into a wake like structure, which makes it have a strong ability to capture reactive oxygen species and other free radicals. Therefore, it has the function of efficient scavenging free radicals and lipid free radicals.

Lower blood sugar and insulin resistance

Obese individuals often cause chronic diseases such as diabetes. BETTAIEB et al. found that adding epicatechin at a dose of 20 mg/kg body weight to the diet of adult rats on a high-fructose diet could reduce the damage of insulin signaling cascade (IR, IRK-1, Akt, ERK1/2). Meanwhile, the upregulation of negative regulators (PKC, IKK, JNK and PTP1B) in rat adipose tissue was decreased, suggesting that epicatechin alleviates insulin resistance through its REDOX regulatory mechanism

Product Method of Bulk L-epicatechin powder.

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