Aprotinin Raw Material Powder
Aprotinin Raw Material Powder
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Aprotinin Raw Material Powder

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Aprotinin Powder Usage and Synthesis:

Aprotinin Powder is a protein that is used as a medication to reduce bleeding during surgery or other medical procedures. It works by inhibiting certain enzymes in the body that break down blood clots. Aprotinin CAS 9087-70-1 was originally derived from bovine (cow) lung tissue, but is now produced using recombinant DNA technology.
The use of aprotinin has been controversial due to concerns about potential side effects, including increased risk of heart attack and stroke. As a result, its use has been restricted in some countries and it is no longer available in the United States.

Aprotinin Raw Material

Pharmacokinetics of Aprotinin Powder:

Aprotinin Powder is an inhibitor of serine proteases (Kd value of 0.06 pM for bovine β-trypsin) used to reduce perioperative blood loss and transfusions. aprotinin is an anti-fibrinolytic small molecule that inhibits trypsin and related protein hydrolases. In cell biology, aprotinin is used as a protease inhibitor to prevent protein degradation during lysis and homogenization of tissues and cells.

Aprotinin Raw Powder

Aprotinin inhibits fibrinolytic activity in a dose-dependent manner with a prolonged clotting time. In vitro, Aprotinin Powder is a potent endogenous inhibitor of the coagulation pathway.Aprotinin Powder inhibits clot lysis in vitro, prolongs tail clipping bleeding time in rats in vitro, and prolongs clotting time in human plasma. In a rat arteriovenous short-circuit model, aprotinin reduced clot weight.

Aprotinin Factory

Applications of Aprotinin Powder :

Aprotinin Powder is a white or beige dried powder. It is soluble in water, saline, but insoluble in ethanol, acetone and ether. Uses: Peptidase inhibitor. It can inhibit trypsin, chymotrypsin and fibrinolytic enzyme. It is used for fibrinolytic phenomenon, acute pancreatitis and pancreatic necrosis.

Aprotinin Powder Factory

Production method of Aprotinin Powder: Fresh or frozen bovine lung is grated, extracted with water and salted with ammonium sulfate. The saline precipitate is de-hybridized with trichloroacetic acid, and then the peptidase is obtained by multi-step operation such as dialysis, desalination and precipitation. The total yield was about 23%.
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