Choline Bitartrate Raw Materials Powder
Choline Bitartrate Raw Materials Powder
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Choline Bitartrate Raw Materials Powder

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Choline Bitartrate Powder Usage and Synthesis.

Choline Bitartrate Powder [HOCH2CH2N(CH3)3]OH is a strong organic base, which is a component of lecithin and is also present in nerve sphingolipids, Choline Bitartrate CAS 87-67-2 is a source of variable methyl groups in the body and acts as a product of synthetic methyl groups, and is also a precursor of acetylcholine. 

Choline Bitartrate Raw Material is an important component of sphingolipids of lecithin, which is phosphatidylcholine and is widely found in plants and animals.

Choline Bitartrate Powder

Application/Function of Choline Bitartrate Powder.

Choline is an essential nutrient that is vital for overall health and proper brain function. Choline Bitartrate is a highly bio-available choline supplement that supports a number of cognitive functions, such as, memory formation, mental focus and capacity and emotional well-being.

In addition to its many cognitive benefits, Choline Bitartrate also plays a central role in liver function, cholesterol metabolism and can even provide prenatal support.

Choline bitartrate benefits a person in several ways. Most notably, it's a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, crucial to mood, thought, and learning. Here's a quick breakdown of the mental benefits of healthy-to-boosted levels of acetylcholine:

Choline Bitartrate Powder

Acetylcholine also improves nerve communication. This means healthy levels also help the body stay in tip-top physical shape in a few ways. Physical benefits of taking a choline bitartrate supplement include:

Choline Bitartrate Powder

Pharmacological Effects of Choline Bitartrate Powder

The main effects of choline are.

Choline Bitartrate Powder

Production method of Choline Bitartrate Powder

Hydrocholine tartrate can be obtained from high concentration of aqueous ethylene oxide solution, and choline by the action of trimethylamine at room temperature, so that it is dissolved in methanol, neutralized by adding tartaric acid according to the molar value, and then refined by concentration, drying, acetone recrystallization, etc. Vitamin B drugs, used in the treatment of hepatitis, early cirrhosis of the liver, pernicious anemia, etc.

Precisely weigh 500mg specimen into 250ml conical flask, add 50ml glacial acetic acid and heat on steam bath until completely dissolved. After cooling, add 2 drops of gentian violet reagent and add 0.1 mol/L perchloric acid solution of glacial acetic acid dropwise to the green endpoint. A blank test was also performed and necessary corrections were made. Each ml of 0.1 mol/L perchloric acid is equivalent to 25.36 mg of this product (C9H19NO7).

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