Pitavastatin Calcium Powder Raw Material
Pitavastatin Calcium Powder Raw Material
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Pitavastatin Calcium Powder Raw Material

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Pitavastatin Calcium Raw Materials Usage and Synthesis

High Purity Pitavastatin Calcium Powder, High Quality Pitavastatin Calcium Raw Material Manufacturer of Pitavastatin Calcium Powder Raw Material.

Pitavastatin Calcium CAS 147526-32-7 Among the lipid-regulating drugs statins are the first in terms of therapeutic effect, among which pitavastatin is very effective, pitavastatin calcium is the third generation of statin anti-hyperlipidaemic drugs。

Pitavastatin Calcium Raw Powder

Uses and functions of Pitavastatin Calcium Powder

Pitavastatin Calcium Raw Materials belongs to the statin class of drugs, mainly through the inhibition of a liver enzyme called HMGCo-A reductase to reduce the liver's ability to produce cholesterol, and thus improve the elevated blood cholesterol levels.

Pitavastatin Calcium Powder

Pitavastatin Calcium Powder is mainly used for the treatment of patients with hypercholesterolaemia and familial hypercholesterolaemia, and its lipid-lowering effect is very good, and it is the most potent lipid-lowering drug to date.

Pharmacological Effects of Pitavastatin Calcium Raw Powder

Pitavastatin Raw Powder is mainly absorbed in the duodenum and colon after oral administration, the plasma protein binding rate in the body after absorption is more than 96%, and it is selectively distributed in the liver, and the concentration of the drug in other tissues of the whole body is lower than or the same as that of plasma.

Pitavastatin Calcium Powder

Pitavastatin Calcium Powder is mainly metabolised in the liver, kidney, lungs, heart and muscle, the metabolite concentration is lower than the concentration of the drug prototype, and it is excreted through the faeces, and a small amount of the drug is excreted in the urine, with a total excretion rate of almost 100%.

Production method of Raw Pitavastatin Calcium Powder

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