Quinine Powder Raw Material
Quinine Powder Raw Material
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Quinine Powder Raw Material

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Quinine Raw Materials Usage and Synthesis

High Quality Quinine Powder CAS 130-95-0 China Manufacturer Supply Quinine Raw Powder, High Purity 99% Quinine Raw Material Powder.Quinine is one of the oldest antimalarials.In addition quinine has uterine excitatory, cardiac depressant and antipyretic and analgesic effects.

Quinine, also known as cinchona cream and cinchona alkaloids, is the main alkaloid in the bark of the cinchona tree and its congeners in the family Rubiaceae.

Quinine Raw Powder

Cinchona bark contains more than 20 kinds of alkaloids, in addition to quinine, there are quinidine, cinchonine and cinchonidine with antimalarial effects.

All the alkaloids of cinchona bark are used as antimalarials and antipyretics, which are called cinchona alkaloids or quinine.

Uses and functions of Quinine Powder

Quinine is one of the oldest anti-malarial drugs, as early as the 15th century cinchona bark containing quinine has become widely used in the treatment of malaria as a potent drug, its anti-malarial effect is similar to chloroquine, by interfering with DNA synthesis.

Quinine Powder

It can inhibit the intra-erythrocytic phase of various malaria parasites and control the onset of malaria symptoms. It can also kill the gametocytes of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium triton to a certain extent.

Pharmacological Effects of Quinine Raw Powder

However, it has no effect on the outer erythrocyte stage. Its main advantage is that it is not easy to produce drug resistance, probably quinine and malaria parasite DNA binding mode is different from chloroquine, so there is no cross-resistance, can be used for anti-chloroquine strains (especially Plasmodium falciparum) infection.

Quinine Raw Materials

In addition, quinine has the effects of uterine excitation, myocardial inhibition and antipyretic and analgesic. In addition to medicinal use, in analytical chemistry, it can be used as bismuth, platinum and other metal ions detection agent, can also be used for racemic organic acid precipitant.

Production method of Raw Quinine Powder

1. Not suitable for use with aminoglycoside antibiotics, furosemide, etanercept.

2. Often used in combination with primaquine or etanercept to achieve eradication and to enhance efficacy against drug-resistant strains.

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