Pharmaceutical Bulk Fusidic acid Powder
Pharmaceutical Bulk Fusidic acid Powder
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Pharmaceutical Bulk Fusidic acid Powder

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Fusidic acid Powder Usage and Synthesis.

Fusidic acid, also known as clostridial acid, fusidic acid sodium, sodium clostridium, fusomycin, or steroidal acidomycin, is a clostridial acid antibiotic with a steroidal backbone, similar in chemical structure to cephalosporin P. It is not a hormone, and is produced by Clostridium globosporum (Fusidiumcoccineum) or certain cephalosporidial moulds (Cephalosporiumspp) in the fungi.

The antimicrobial spectrum is narrow and similar to that of neomycin, but it has a pronounced effect on Bacteroides fragilis (Bacteroidesfragilis) and a weaker effect on Streptococcus (Streptococcusspp) and Streptococcus pneumoniae (S. pneumoniae).

Its mechanism of action is to inhibit the protein synthesis of bacteria, and play a bacteriostatic or bactericidal role. It has strong antibacterial effect on staphylococci (including methicillin-resistant strains or other antibiotic-resistant strains), and also has certain antibacterial effect on streptococci, enterococci, diphtheria bacilli, clostridium difficile, Neisseria spp. and tuberculosis bacilli, and has weak effect on Mycobacterium fragilis. Gram-negative bacteria, except Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Neisseria meningitidis, Clostridium difficile, and Mycobacterium fragilis are sensitive to this product, and all others are resistant to this product.

In vitro, staphylococci are highly resistant to the product. There is no cross-resistance between this product and other anti-infective drugs. Fusidic acid is used clinically for osteomyelitis or skin and soft tissue infections caused by sensitive bacteria. It is also used for deep infections where other antibiotic treatments have failed, such as sepsis, pneumonia and endocarditis.

Adults: oral, 500 mg once, tid; double for severe cases. Topical administration, bid ~ tid, applied to the affected area, the course of treatment is 7 days. Treatment of scabies can be extended according to the needs of the condition. Children: oral, for children under 1 year old, 50mg/kg a day, in three doses; for children 1-5 years old, 250mg once, tid; for children 5-12 years old, the dosage is the same as that for adults.

Fusidic acid Powder

Uses and functions of Fusidic acid.

Clinical application is usually made into sodium salt, the molecular formula of sodium salt is C31H47NaO6. fusidic acid is highly sensitive to all kinds of Gram-positive cocci associated with skin infections, especially staphylococci, and is also effective against drug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and also has a certain degree of antimicrobial effect on some Gram-negative bacteria. No cross resistance with other antibiotics.

Bulk Fusidic acid Powder

Pharmacological Effects of Bulk Fusidic acid Powder.

Sodium fusidic acid has excellent tissue penetration and is widely distributed in the organism. Of particular clinical importance is the fact that the product has a high concentration not only in tissues with a rich blood supply, but even in tissues with a low vascular distribution.

Sodium fusidic acid has been known to exceed its minimal inhibitory concentration against staphylococci (0.03-0.16 µg/ml) in pus, sputum, soft tissue, heart, bone tissue, synovial fluid, dead bone fragments, burn scabs, brain abscesses and the eye.

Sodium fusidic acid is metabolised in the liver and excreted mainly by the bile with little renal excretion.

It has very low toxicity and no cross-allergenicity with other antimicrobial drugs in clinical use, so it can be used to treat patients who are contraindicated to other antibiotics, such as those allergic to penicillin or other antibiotics. For prolonged use due to severe or deep-seated infections, it is recommended that fusidic acid sodium be used in combination with other anti-staphylococcal drugs to reduce the development of resistance.

Fusidic acid sodium can be used in combination with penicillinase-resistant penicillins, cephalosporins, erythromycin, aminoglycosides, lincomycin, rifampicin, or vancomycin with additive or synergistic effects.

1, Fusidic acid produces antibacterial effect by inhibiting protein synthesis of bacteria.

2, Fusidic acid has a strong antibacterial effect on a variety of gram-positive bacteria. Staphylococci, including strains resistant to penicillin, methicillin and other antimicrobial agents, are highly sensitive to this product.

There is no cross-resistance between this product and other antibacterial drugs used in clinical practice.

4, the toxicity of this product is very low, and there is no cross-allergy between this product and other antibacterial drugs used in the clinic, so this product can be used in the treatment of other antibacterial contraindications, such as penicillin or other antibacterial drugs allergic patients and patients with renal function impairment.

Bulk Fusidic acid

Production method of Bulk Fusidic acid.

Fusidic acid sodium for injection:

1, Due to the metabolism and excretion characteristics of this product, when the drug is used in large doses for a long period of time or when the product is combined with other drugs with similar excretion pathways (e.g., lincomycin or rifampicin), hepatic function should be checked regularly in patients with hepatic insufficiency and biliary tract abnormalities.

In vitro, the product can replace bilirubin at the albumin binding site. The clinical significance of this substitution is not clear, and no nuclear jaundice was found in neonates after using this product. However, the use of this product in preterm infants, jaundice, acidosis and severely ill newborns should be aware of this factor.

3, the attached buffer must be used up and the drug fully dissolved, and then diluted with saline or 5% dextrose injection.

4, Pregnant women and lactating women: animal experiments and many years of clinical experience have shown that this product has no teratogenic effect. Since this product can pass through the placenta, theoretically there is a risk of causing noma, so the use of this product should be avoided in the second trimester of pregnancy. The concentration of this product in breast milk is negligibly low, so nursing mothers can use this product.

5, Children's medication: can be used.

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