Galanthamine Raw Material Galanthamine Powder
Galanthamine Raw Material Galanthamine Powder
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Galanthamine Raw Material Galanthamine Powder

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Galanthamine Powder Usage and Synthesis.

Functions: It is used for myasthenia gravis, progressive muscular dystrophy, post-polio sequelae, cerebral palsy in children, sensory or motor disorders due to neurological disorders, polyneuritis, and so on.

Its anticholinesterase effect is weak, easy to cross the blood-brain barrier, so the central effect is stronger, can be used for myasthenia gravis. Oral 10mg/dose, 3 times/day. But the efficacy is not as good as neostigmine.

For post-polio sequelae, oral dose as above, often used intramuscular injection. Each time -0.1mg/kg, once a day, a course of 2-6 weeks. If the efficacy is unsatisfactory, it should be discontinued. It is also used in children with cerebral palsy, polyneuritis, spinal radiculitis and traumatic sensorimotor disorders. Side effects are the same as neostigmine. It can also be used for the relief of sarin gas poisoning.

Galanthamine Powder

Uses and functions of Galanthamine.

Galanthamine Hydrobromide Tablets/Galanthamine Hydrobromide Capsules: It is used for benign memory disorders, improving patients' ability of pointing memory, associative learning, pictorial recall, meaningless graphic recollection and portrait recall. It can also improve the effect on dementia patients and memory disorders caused by organic brain lesions.

Galanthamine hydrobromide injection: It is used for myasthenia gravis, post-polio sequelae, sensory and motor disorders caused by neurological diseases or trauma, polyneuritis and spinal neuritis, and antagonising the non-depolarising muscarinic effects of chloroform and similar drugs.

Galanthamine hydrobromide is used in myasthenia gravis, progressive muscular dystrophy, post-polio sequelae, cerebral palsy in children, sensory or motor deficits due to neurological disorders, and polyneuritis. The oral form of this drug is used for memory loss, mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease.

Galanthamine Raw Materials

Pharmacological Effects of Galanthamine Raw Materials .

Galanthamine hydrobromide is a cholinesterase inhibitor, which can pass the blood-brain barrier. Pharmacodynamic test shows that galanthamine hydrobromide has a facilitating effect on the acquisition of passive avoidance operation in mice, and significantly improves the memory consolidation obstacles in animals caused by scopolamine and sodium nitrite; it has a good facilitating effect on the learning and memory reproduction of the light and dark discrimination operation in rats.

Experiments have proved that the product is absorbed completely after oral administration, healthy adults single oral administration of the product 10mg, plasma concentration peak time is about 1-2 hours, the average peak concentration of 69.72 ± 14.73ng/ml, the average elimination half-life is 8.68 ± 1.87 hours.

The distribution of the drug in the tissues is in the order of kidney, liver and brain, and the concentration of the drug in brain tissue is about three times the plasma concentration. Most of the drug is metabolised in the body. The metabolites, together with the unmetabolised fraction, are essentially excreted by the kidneys within 72 hours.

Galanthamine CAS 357-70-0

Production method of Galanthamine Raw Powder .

Galanthamine, also known as Galanthamine, is a white or slightly yellow crystalline powder. Odourless, bitter taste. Melting point 127-129°C, [α]D20-118.8° (ethanol). Soluble in ethanol, acetone, chloroform, insoluble in benzene, ether, water.

After reacting with ammonium molybdate solution, evaporate to dryness in water bath, add sulphuric acid to show blue-green colour. With purple flowers lithospermum bulbs as raw materials, in different acidity with ethanol, chloroform repeatedly extracted and refined. Anticholinesterase drug. It can be used for post-polio syndrome and myasthenia gravis.

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