Repaglinide Raw Material Repaglinide Powder
Repaglinide Raw Material Repaglinide Powder
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Repaglinide Raw Material Repaglinide Powder

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Product details

Repaglinide Raw Materials Usage and Synthesis

Manufactory Supply Repaglinide Raw Powder High Quality Repaglinide Raw Material , High Purity 99% Repaglinide Raw Powder CAS 135062-02-1 Repaglinide Powder. Repaglinide Powder is a diabetes treatment that is a non-sulfonylurea insulin-releasing agent.

Repaglinide Raw Powder

Uses and functions of Repaglinide Powder

Repaglinide is a diabetes treatment drug, a non-sulfonylurea insulin-releasing agent, trade name Novaluron, clinically used for the treatment of patients with type II diabetes mellitus (non-insulin-dependent) in whom dietary control, body weight reduction, and exercise do not provide effective control of hyperglycemia.

Repaglinide Powder

Pharmacological Effects of Repaglinide Raw Powder

Repaglinide Raw Powder Antidiabetic drugs. Non-sulfonylurea oral hypoglycaemic agent for the treatment of type II diabetes. Uses Used as hypoglycaemic agent

Repaglinide Raw Materials

Production method of Raw Repaglinide Powder

Conversion of compound (I) to its N-acetyl derivative was followed by splitting by salting with L-glutamic acid to obtain the (S)-type optical isomer, which was then reacted with compound (II) to form amide (III), which was then hydrolysed to give the product.

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