Antibiotic Mupirocin Powder Veterinary Medicine CAS 12650-69-0 Raw Materials
Antibiotic Mupirocin Powder Veterinary Medicine CAS 12650-69-0 Raw Materials
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Antibiotic Mupirocin Powder Veterinary Medicine CAS 12650-69-0 Raw Materials

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Mupirocin Powder Usage and Synthesis.

Antibiotic Mupirocin is mainly used for the prevention and treatment of bacterial skin infections caused by Gram-positive cocci.Mupirocin Powder is Mupirocin Powder is mainly used for the prevention and treatment of bacterial skin infections caused by Gram-positive cocci, such as primary skin infections like impetigo, boils, folliculitis, and other infections.

Mupirocin Powder is mainly used for the prevention and treatment of bacterial skin infections caused by Gram-positive cocci, such as primary skin infections like impetigo, boils, folliculitis, secondary skin infections such as eczema co-infections, ulceration co-infections, trauma co-infections. The main mechanism of The main mechanism of antibacterial effect of Mupirocin Raw Materials is to inhibit protein synthesis in bacteria.

Mupirocin Powder

Uses and functions of Mupirocin Powder.

Mupirocin is mainly used for the prevention and treatment of bacterial skin infections caused by Gram-positive cocci, such as primary skin infections like impetigo, boils, folliculitis, and secondary skin infections like eczema co-infections, ulcer co-infections, trauma co-infections. The main mechanism of mupirocin's antibacterial action is to inhibit protein synthesis in bacteria.

It is a new type of topical topical antibiotic, a metabolic substance produced in the culture fluid of Pseudomonas fluorescens, i.e., Pseudomonas A. It mainly prevents isoleucine adulteration and terminates the synthesis of isoleucine-containing proteins in the cell by reversibly binding to isoleucine transfer RNA synthetase, resulting in the death of the bacteria.

Mupirocin Powder

It has an inhibitory effect at low concentrations and a bactericidal effect at high concentrations. Highly sensitive to various gram-positive cocci associated with skin infections, especially staphylococci (including drug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) and Streptococcus pyogenes; also effective against Listeria monocytogenes and erythematous tansy filamentous bacteria;

It is generally not sensitive to gram-negative bacteria, but has certain antibacterial effects on certain gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Neisseria spp, Haemophilus influenzae and gonococcus;

Mupirocin Powder

Currently in China, Mupirocin is mainly used for the treatment of various infectious skin diseases caused by Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus aureus: primary skin infections, such as impetigo, folliculitis, and carbuncle, etc.; secondary skin infections, such as eczema, atopic dermatitis, skin ulcers, surgical wounds, small burns, and skin traumas; and also used for the prevention of infections in small wounds, incisions, and other sterilized lesions.

Pharmacological Effects of Mupirocin Powder.

Topical antibiotic. Blocks isoleucine incorporation by reversibly binding to isoleucine transfer RNA synthetase, thereby halting synthesis of all isoleucine-containing proteins in the cell. Used for acute primary bacterial infections of the skin, such as folliculitis and impetigo. Generally used for dermatologic aspects of inflammation, eczema, etc., made into commercially available mupirocin ointment.

Mupirocin Powder

Production method of Mupirocin Powder.

A group of substances produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens, including Pseudomonas acid A, B, C, D, Mupirocin is the main metabolite Pseudomonas acid A. Mupirocin is the main metabolite Pseudomonas acid A.

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