Chloramphenicol Powder Veterinary Medicine CAS 56-75-7 Raw Materials
Chloramphenicol Powder Veterinary Medicine CAS 56-75-7 Raw Materials
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Chloramphenicol Powder Veterinary Medicine CAS 56-75-7 Raw Materials

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Chloramphenicol Powder Usage and Synthesis.

Chloramphenicol, also known as Chloramphenicol, is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial produced by Streptomyces chlorostreptococcus with inhibitory effects on bacterial growth. It is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial produced by Streptomyces chlorostreptococcus with inhibitory effects on bacterial growth.

Natural Chloramphenicol is the levamycin (also known as levomycetin).Chloramphenicol Powder Synthesis is a white or yellowish acicular or lamellar crystals, odorless, with a white or yellowish acicular or lamellar surface. Synthesis is a white or yellowish acicular or lamellar crystals, odorless, with a taste of extreme bitterness.

Chloramphenicol Powder

Chloramphenicol Chloramphenicol Raw Materials is fat-soluble, can inhibit the formation of peptide chains and prevent protein synthesis. 

Chloramphenicol Raw Materials is fat-soluble and can inhibit the formation of peptide chains and prevent protein synthesis. It is a bacteriostatic agent, and is bacteriostatic at the same time. It is a bacteriostatic agent, and is bactericidal at high concentrations or when applied to bacteria that are highly susceptible to the product.

Chloramphenicol Powder

Uses and functions of Chloramphenicol Powder.

Chloramphenicol has an inhibitory effect on Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, etc. It can be used for the treatment of typhoid fever and bacillary dysentery, urinary tract infection, whooping cough, pneumonia, sepsis and other diseases.

It is fat-soluble and can inhibit the formation of peptide chain and prevent protein synthesis. It is a bacteriostatic agent, and is bactericidal at high concentration or when it is applied to bacteria that are highly sensitive to the product. It can be used systemically for typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever and other Salmonella and S. fragilis infections.

Chloramphenicol Powder

Pharmacological Effects of Chloramphenicol Powder.

Chloramphenicol acts by inhibiting bacterial protein synthesis. It reversibly binds to the 50S subunit on the bacterial 70S ribosome, thereby preventing the amino acid terminus of the amino tRNA from binding to the receptor on the ribosome.

This prevents the amino acid substrate from interacting with transpeptidases and forming peptide bonds (see Pratt and Fekety, 1986).

Chloramphenicol is normally a bacteriostatic agent, but therapeutic concentrations can also be bactericidal against common meningeal pathogens such as H. influenzae, S. meningitidis, and S. pneumoniae (Rahal and Simberkoff, 1979). The 70S ribosomes in mammalian mitochondria have physical and chemical properties similar to those of the drug in bacterial cells.

Chloramphenicol Powder

Many of the adverse effects of chloramphenicol, including dose-related myelosuppression and gray syndrome, appear to be due to inhibition of host mitochondrial protein synthesis.

Chloramphenicol is used primarily for the treatment of urinary tract infections, pneumonia, abdominal infections, and sepsis caused by susceptible bacteria, as well as topical eye and ear drops. However, due to its effect on the hematopoietic system, it is no longer the drug of choice.

Production method of Chloramphenicol Powder.

The production method of Chloramphenicol has been studied a lot in different countries of the world and is summarized as follows:

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