Anti-insect and anti-bacterial Sulfaquinoxaline raw Powder
Anti-insect and anti-bacterial Sulfaquinoxaline raw Powder
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Anti-insect and anti-bacterial Sulfaquinoxaline raw Powder

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Sulfaquinoxaline powder Usage and Synthesis.

Sulfaquinoxaline is a sulfanilamide antibacterial drug used for coccidiosis in livestock and poultry. Sulfaquinoxaline can affect the synthesis of bacterial nucleoprotein, thus inhibiting the growth and reproduction of bacteria and coccidia. This product can be used with trimethoprim, the effect is stronger. This product is toxic to chicks and should not be used for a long time.

Sulfaquinoxaline Powder

Uses of Sulfaquinoxaline.

Sulfaquinoxaline is an effective drug for treating coccidiosis of poultry and rabbit. As a broad spectrum antimicrobial agent for animals, it is more toxic to mammals and is only used for various coccidiosis in chickens. Not allowed for laying hens.


Pharmacological action of Bulk Sulfaquinoxaline powder.

Product Methods of Sulfaquinoxaline.

N-cyanomethyl-o-phenylenediamine was synthesized by reaction with sodium cyanide, formaldehyde and acid medium. It is then cycled with potassium hydroxide to form 2-amino-3, 4-dihydroazole. Using ferrous chloride as catalyst, 2-aminoquinoxaline was obtained by oxidative dehydrogenation of hydrogen peroxide. Finally, sulfonaminoquinoyl chloride was synthesized by condensation and hydrolysis.

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