Lactic Acid Bacteria Raw Materials Lactic Acid Bacteria
Lactic Acid Bacteria Raw Materials Lactic Acid Bacteria
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Lactic Acid Bacteria Raw Materials Lactic Acid Bacteria

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Lactic Acid Bacteria Powder Usage and Synthesis.

Lactobacillus is widely distributed in nature. Some strains are part of the normal flora of the oral cavity, intestines and vagina of humans and animals. They rarely cause disease and are basically harmless to humans except for the occasional subacute bacterial endocarditis. Lactobacillus parasitic in the oral cavity plays an important role in the occurrence of dental caries. It is generally believed that lactobacillus parasitic in the intestines and vagina has a protective effect on the body. Some lactobacilli, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus, are often used in the beverage fermentation industry.

Lactic Acid Bacteria powder

Uses of Lactic Acid Bacteria.

Microbial preparation. Mainly used in lactic acid beverages, fermented milk, alcohol, etc. Also used for trace determination of certain vitamins and amino acids. Lactic acid strains can also be used for vacuum-packed meat. High-concentration freeze-dried powder made from Lactobacillus alimentarius strains can effectively preserve.

This strain does not produce gas and can grow at 2°C. When added in an amount of 106-107/g meat, it can inhibit cold-adapted mycelium and remain unchanged within 9 weeks. But it is not heat-resistant. It has been approved for use in various countries of the European Community.

Lactic Acid Bacteria raw

Preparation of Lactic Acid Bacteria.

Product Method of Bulk Lactic Acid Bacteria Powder.

It is generally obtained by culturing Lactobacillus acidophilus on calcium carbonate, agar and other media. There is also a kind of lactobacillus (Lact.coagulans) that is very acid and heat resistant, belonging to spore-forming bacillus, isolated from green malt. The lactic acid production rate is more than 90%, and the bacterial count does not decrease when maintained at 40°C and 80% relative humidity for 3 months. The commercial product of this preparation contains 5 billion lactic acid bacteria in 1g.

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