Dimetridazole Raw Materials powder 1,2-Dimethyl-5-nitroimidazole
Dimetridazole Raw Materials powder 1,2-Dimethyl-5-nitroimidazole
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Dimetridazole Raw Materials powder 1,2-Dimethyl-5-nitroimidazole

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Dimetridazole Powder Usage and Synthesis.

Dimethylnitramidazole is mainly used as a veterinary antibacterial drug, is the first choice for the prevention and treatment of swine dysentery, can also be used as a feed additive, is conducive to promoting the growth of livestock and poultry, a small amount of daily chemical.

Dimetridazole powder

Use of Dimetridazole.

Dimetinidazole has a significant inhibitory effect on trichomonas melanocephalus, Trichomonas bovis, balsamia coli, flagellate and other protozoa, as well as necrotic anaerobic bacillus, Clostridium difficile, anaerobic staphylococcus, Vibrio intestinalis, Treponemonas and other bacteria. It is an effective drug for treating blackhead disease in Turkey and dysentery in pigs.

It can also be used as a growth promoter to promote the production of pigs and chickens and improve feed conversion. When the product is used as a feed additive, the product is premixed with 10-20 times the feed amount during feed processing, and then evenly mixed with the required total feed amount. Or mix this product with an appropriate amount of carrier first, and then add it to the feed and stir. When processing compound feed, granulation and other operating processes have no effect on the effect of this product.

The product can be mixed into feed or added to drinking water for livestock and poultry. Metanidazole has low toxicity, good tolerance and no carcinogenic teratogenic effect. The product is rapidly absorbed in the intestine, distributed in various tissues, and circulates through the biliary tract into the intestine and liver. In livestock, after oxidation, reduction metabolism and then out of the body. Most of the residue in the carcass is destroyed after 48 hours or after cooking. Decomposition is also faster in the soil, so it will not lead to environmental pollution. The product is stable and can be stored under 37℃ for two years.


Pharmacological Effect of Dimetridazole.

Product Method of Bulk Dimetridazole Powder.

2-methylimidazole (C4H5N2, [693-98-1]) was obtained from glyoxal as starting material by cycanalization with acetaldehyde and ammonia. It is then nitrated to produce 2-methyl-5-nitroimidazole (C4H6N3O2, [696-23-1]). Finally, dimethyl sulfate is methylated to obtain metronidazole. The intermediate 2-methylimidazoline can also be synthesized from the cyclization of ethylenediamine with acetonitrile, and then catalyzed dehydrogenation with active nickel.

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