Raw Materials Argy Wormwood Leaf Extract Powder
Raw Materials Argy Wormwood Leaf Extract Powder
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Raw Materials Argy Wormwood Leaf Extract Powder

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Argy Wormwood Leaf Extract Powder Usage and Synthesis.

Mugwort leaf extract is extracted from the dried leaves of Mugwort ArtemisiaargyiLévl.etVant. in the family of Asteraceae. 

It is rich in volatile oil, flavonoids, triterpenoids, eucalyptolides, trace elements and compounds such as tannins and polysaccharides, and its active ingredients are mainly volatile oil and flavonoids. Its active ingredients are mainly volatile oil and flavonoids. 

It has various pharmacological activities, such as antibacterial, antiviral, expectorant, antitussive, antiallergic, anticoagulant, complement activation and sedative.

Argy Wormwood Leaf Extract Powder

Uses and functions of Argy Wormwood Leaf Extract.

Antibacterial, antiviral, expectorant, antitussive, antiallergic, anticoagulant, complement activator, sedative and other pharmacological activities.

Pharmacological Effect of Argy Wormwood Leaf Extract Powder.

1.Anti-cough and expectorant effect

Experiments show that mugwort leaf oil can inhibit chemical substance-induced cough in guinea pigs, cough suppressant effect is mainly due to the inhibition of medulla oblongata cough centre. Phenol red experiment shows that the oil of mugwort leaves to mice orally or intraperitoneally have expectorant effect. α-Terpineol has an antitussive, expectorant effect.

2.Sedative effect

Mugwort leaf oil has a sedative effect on the central nervous system, can make rabbits reduce activity. Gavage to mice can prolong the sleep time caused by sodium pentobarbital.

3.Antibacterial effect

In vitro test proved that mugwort leaf oil on cocci (white and golden staphylococcus, type A and type B streptococcus, diplococcus pneumoniae and neisseria) and most gram-negative bacilli (influenza, metamorphosis, typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, colorectal, paracolic and dysentery bacilli) have inhibitory effect. 30% mugwort leaf decoction can make the XuLan yellow jockstrap, XuLan yellow jockstrap mongolian variant, the dog small bacillus, syncopated Trichophyton rubrum, and so on nearly 10 kinds of fungi stop developing; mugwort leaf water infusion (1:4) in the test tube on cordyceps, woolly small germ cell ringworm, red epidermis ringworm and other skin fungi have inhibitory effect.

4.Other effects

The decoction of mugwort leaves can excite the isolated uterus of rabbits, and the infusion of mugwort leaves oil to mice can enhance the phagocytosis of inflammatory exudate cells. Its volatile oil can increase the guinea pig coronary blood flow; its aqueous extract has complement activation, in vivo can induce interferon, mugwort leaf fumigant on adenovirus, rhinovirus, influenza and parainfluenza virus has a certain inhibitory effect.

Argy Wormwood Leaf Extract Raw Powder

Modern Applications of Bulk Argy Wormwood Leaf Extract Powder.

1. Chronic hepatitis

Take mugwort leaves made of injection (equivalent to 0.5g/mL), daily intramuscular injection of 4mL. 123 cases of treatment, including 39 cases of prolonged hepatitis, 28 cases of recent cure, 6 cases of significant effect, 5 cases of improvement; 46 cases of chronic hepatitis, 21 cases of recent cure, 19 cases of significant effect, 6 cases of improvement; cirrhosis of the liver in 15 cases, 3 cases of significant effect, 4 cases of improvement, ineffective, 8 cases, the total effective rate of 93.5%.

2. Tuberculosis wheezing

With 10% ai leaf liquid, each 30mL, 3 times a day, half an hour before meals. Therapeutic observation of 37 cases, all at the same time internal isoniazid, 3 cases of complications of pulmonary heart disease patients with heart failure, plus the use of poisonous Trichosanthin treatment, 31 cases of significant effect, 6 cases of poor efficacy or ineffective.

3. Chronic bronchitis

Ai Ye 500g or fresh Ai Ye 1000g, made of 3000mL. daily Chemicalbook service 3 times, each 30 ~ 60mL or made of injection, 2 times a day, each injection 2 ~ 4mL. 154 cases of treatment, 6 cases of recent control, 21 cases of significant effect, 81 cases of improvement, the total effective rate of 70.13%. Or take with mugwort oil pills or sugar-coated tablets, the daily amount of 0.1 ~ 0.3mL, divided into 3 ~ 4 times orally, 10 days for a course of treatment, treatment of 138 cases, 1 course of treatment, the total effective rate of 81.88%, the recent control of 46.37% of those who added significant.

4. Viral myocarditis

With the ayurvedic injection treatment of 25 cases, with 1 ~ 3 months, the symptoms are generally improved, ECG improvement rate of 84%.

5. Acute bacillary dysentery was treated with

20% Ai Ye decoction, 4 times a day, 40mL each time, observed 21 cases, were cured, the average hospitalisation of 5.5 days. Vitamins B and C were supplemented at the same time during the treatment, and infusion was given in individual cases.

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