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Clinically, naltrexone is mainly used to prevent relapse of opioid addicts after detoxification. It has the characteristics of effective oral administration, long action time and no obvious toxic side effects. In addition, naltrexone has been reported in clinical trials for the treatment of diseases related to the endogenous opioid system, such as Alzheimer's disease, pediatric autism, alcohol dependence, chronic lung disease and obesity.
In vitro study of Naltrexone hydrochloride.
In rhesus monkeys, Naltrexone (0.32 mg/kg) attenuated ethanol-enhanced responses at concentrations that maintained the highest response (1% or 2%). Naltrexone (0.1 mg/kg) attenuated the ethanol-enhanced reaction at low ethanol concentrations (0.25%) that produced small ethanol uptake (g/kg) and high ethanol concentrations that produced moderate uptake (4%). Naltrexone (1-3 mg/kg) is effective and dose-dependent in inhibiting ethanol demand from non-accidental transfer of liquid spoons filled with 8% ethanol.
Naltrexone(approximately 100 ng/kg) produced the best amplification of morphine's analgesic efficacy when administered in combination with morphine (3 mg/kg). In rat tail dump tests, Naltrexone (10 ng/kg i.p.) enhanced the analgesic effect of morphine administered at an acute sub-maximum dose intracavicular (5 mg) or systemic (7.5 mg/kg i.p.). In rats, Naltrexone combined with morphine suppresses the weakening of morphine analgesia and prevents the loss of morphine efficacy. Naltrexone significantly inhibits ethanol self-administration and prevents ethanol-induced increases in osmotic dopamine levels. Naltrexone completely prevents the reduction of ano-genital distance in males from prenatal stress (PS) and restores the growth rate of both sexes. Naltrexone also reduced anxiety in PS rats in the cross maze, increasing measured opioid composition to control levels, but increasing anxiety in control men.
Pharmacological action of Naltrexone hydrochloride.
Product method of Bulk Naltrexone hydrochloride Powder.
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