HRK Supply Lentinan raw Materials powder
HRK Supply Lentinan raw Materials powder
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HRK Supply Lentinan raw Materials powder

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Lentinan Powder Usage and Synthesis.

Lentinan is an immune enhancer and an adjuvant anti-tumor drug. It has no direct anti-tumor effect by itself, but activates the disease-prevention mechanism of the host, including the cytotoxic effect (ADMC) of killer T cells, macrophages, natural killer cells (NK) and antibody-dependent macrophages. Moreover, the function of the inhibited helper T lymphocytes and the induction of interleukin and interferon in the blood work synergistically, which can further activate the immune system and have obvious protective effect on the liver. Single or combined with other antitumor drugs can inhibit the proliferation of various animal tumors, especially when combined with tigafur (FT-207), the survival of patients is significantly longer than that of single drug.

Lentinan Powder

Uses of Lentinan.

Combined with chemotherapy agents and used in patients with gastrointestinal tumors, it can prolong survival and prevent leukopenia or a decrease in serum total protein. It has a certain effect on chronic viral hepatitis B, can obviously improve the symptoms of patients, make the serum alanine aminotransferase to normal or better, and can adjust the immune function of patients. Immune enhancer. For patients with inoperable or recurrent gastric cancer. Note: Anaphylactic shock, decreased white blood cells and hemoglobin symptoms may occasionally occur. Children and women of pregnant and childbearing age should be used with caution.

Lentinan raw

Pharmacological action of Lentinan.

1. Anti-tumor. For example, lentinan obtained from lentinus edodes has strong anti-tumor activity.

2. Enhance immune function. Different polysaccharides have different immune-promoting effects. Lentinan is an ideal immune booster. Tremella polysaccharide can promote the transformation of lymphocytes, enhance the phagocytosis of mouse peritoneal macrophages, promote the synthesis of liver protein nucleic acid, promote the hematopoietic function of bone marrow, and improve humoral immunity. Black fungus polysaccharide can effectively increase the phagocytosis index and percentage of mouse macrophages. For example, polysaccharides extracted from garlic and radish have different enhancement effects on T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes and macrophages, which can enhance the cellular immune function of the body.

3. Reduce blood sugar and blood lipid. The polysaccharide with hypoglycemic effect was lactoglucan. Lentinan can dissolve cholesterol. Black fungus polysaccharide has the effect of alleviating atherosclerosis.

Product method of Bulk Lentinan Powder.

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