Veterinary drug raw material Florfenicol Powder
Veterinary drug raw material Florfenicol Powder
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Veterinary drug raw material Florfenicol Powder

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Florfenicol Usage and Synthesis.

Flubenicol is not easy to produce drug resistance: because the fluorine atom replaces the hydroxyl group in the molecular structure of methicillin, it effectively solves the problem of resistance to chloramphenicol and methicillin.

Strains resistant to methicillin, chloramphenicol, amoxicillin and quinolones are still sensitive to this product.

Since chloramphenicol has serious adverse reactions leading to aplastic anaemia and immunosuppression, it is prohibited for use in food animal production. It has been proved that the main group in the chemical structure of chloramphenicol that causes aplastic anaemia is the para-nitro group on the aromatic ring.

While florfenicol replaces the NO2 group with CH3SO4, which changes the chemical structure, so it is not used in animals to produce the adverse reactions of aplastic anaemia. Therefore, it is approved for use in more than ten countries in Japan, Mexico and China.

The characteristics of florfenicol are: wide antibacterial spectrum, sensitive to Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Aspergillus, Haemophilus, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, Streptococcus, Pasteurella, Bronchial septic bacillus, Staphylococcus aureus and so on.

The drug is easy to absorb, widely distributed in the body, is a fast-acting, long-acting type of preparation, no potential aplastic anaemia hidden danger, better safety. In addition, the price is moderate, cheaper than other respiratory disease prevention and treatment drugs such as tamoxifen (Mycoplasma), tilmicosin, azithromycin, etc., and the cost of medication is easy to be accepted by users.

Because of these characteristics, domestic florfenicol has been widely used, and has become the preferred drug for the prevention and treatment of respiratory and digestive bacterial infections in livestock and poultry.

Florfenicol should not be used in combination with quinolones, penicillins and cephalosporins, and should not be paired with ampicillin, sulfonamides and furans.

Florfenicol Powder

Uses and functions of Florfenicol.

Antimicrobials. Veterinary antimicrobials for bacterial diseases in pigs, chickens and fish caused by sensitive bacteria, used for bacterial diseases in pigs, chickens and fish caused by sensitive bacteria, especially for respiratory infections and intestinal infections with remarkable efficacy

Florfenicol can strongly interfere with bacterial protein synthesis, rapid absorption, wide distribution in vivo, long half-life, no side effects of re-obstruction, not easy to produce drug resistance, no residue, no cross-resistance.

Flubenicol can be used in the treatment of systemic infections in livestock, poultry and aquatic animals, with remarkable efficacy in respiratory infections and intestinal infections.

Poultry: Escherichia coli disease, salmonellosis, infectious rhinitis, chronic respiratory disease, duck plague and other mixed infections caused by various sensitive bacteria.

Livestock: pig, cattle, sheep and other infectious pleurisy, asthma, streptococcal disease, Escherichia coli disease, salmonellosis, infectious pleuropneumonia, wheezing, paratyphoid fever in piglets, yellow-white dysentery, oedema, atrophic rhinitis, swine pneumonic disease, piglets with red-white diarrhoea, lactation-free syndrome and other mixed infections.

Crab: appendage ulcer disease, yellow gill, rotten gill, red leg, fluorescent inflammation disease and red body syndrome.

Snappers: red neck disease, boils, perforation disease, rotting skin disease, enteritis, mumps bacterial septicaemia and so on.

Frogs: cataract syndrome, ascites disease, septicaemia, enteritis, etc.

Fish: enteritis disease, ascites disease, vibriosis, Edwardsiosis, etc.

Eel: dematosis septicaemia (unique efficacy), Edward's disease, erysipelas, enteritis, etc.


Pharmacological Effect of Florfenicol.

Florfenicol inhibits the extension of peptide chains by binding to the 50S subunit of bacterial ribosomes and hindering the transpeptidation of peptidyl transferase; at the same time, it selectively acts on the receptor of the 70S ribosomes of bacterial organisms and alters and interferes with the function of peptidyltransferase, thus doubly interfering with the synthesis of bacterial proteins.

The antibacterial spectrum and antibacterial activity of florfenicol are slightly better than that of methicillin, and it has strong antibacterial activity against a variety of Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria and mycoplasma, etc. The antibacterial activity of florfenicol is also better than that of methicillin.

Bartonella haemolytica, Bartonella multocida is highly sensitive to this product, Streptococcus, Shigella dysentery, Salmonella typhi, Klebsiella, Escherichia coli and Haemophilus are sensitive to this product.

Florfenicol Raw Materials

Adverse Reaction of  Bulk Florfenicol Powder.

(1)This product is toxic to embryos, and is prohibited in lactating and pregnant animals.

(2)This product does not cause aplastic anaemia, but cattle may experience transient anorexia, reduced water intake and diarrhoea as adverse reactions after administration.

(3)Inflammation may occur at the injection site.

(4) For others, see Methylsulfonylmethamphetamine.

(5)Dormant period:Florfenicol powder, 20 days for pigs, 5 days for chickens, 375 degree days for fish, prohibited during egg-laying period; injection, 28 days for cows (intramuscular), 38 days for cows (subcutaneous), 14 days for pigs, 28 days for chickens, 375 degree days for fish.

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