Pharmaceutical raw materials Powder Decoquinate
Pharmaceutical raw materials Powder Decoquinate
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Pharmaceutical raw materials Powder Decoquinate

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Decoquinate powder Usage and Synthesis.

Decoxyquinate plays a role in the asexual reproductive stage of coccidia, and after entering sporozoite cells, it prevents their development by interfering with DNA synthesis. It begins to play a role in the early life history of coccidia and effectively avoids intestinal damage caused by coccidia. The addition of feed does not affect the digestion of feed and the absorption of nutrients.

Decoquinate Powder

Uses of Decoquinate.

Quinoline coccidium drugs. As a feed additive to prevent coccidiosis in broilers, 27.2g of this product is added to 1t feed. The product has low toxicity, good tolerance and wide safety range. Metabolism is rapid, 3 days after stopping the drug, the residual drug concentration in each tissue is less than 1ppm.


Drug combination of Decoquinate.

In order to improve the anti-coccidia effect and reduce the generation of resistance, combination drugs can be taken. In the early stage of coccidiosis (the asexual breeding stage of coccidiosis), the combination of decoxyquinate + diczulide or toltrizulide, diglobulin + maduricin ammonium, diglobulin + cloxypyridine can play a synergistic role, enhance the killing effect, and reduce the dose of each drug by 1/2. In the whole stage of coccidiosis, the combination of dicoccidiol + sulfaquinoxaline sodium and dicoccidiol + sulfachlorpyrazine sodium can be used to inhibit and kill coccidiol in both asexual and sexual breeding stages.

Decoquinate raw

Product Methods of Decoquinate.

The reaction of 3, 4-dihydroxynitrobenzene with bromodecane in DMF medium to produce 3-hydroxy-4-decyl nitrobenzene. Then, 3-ethoxy-4-decanoxyaniline was prepared by ethoxylation and reduction. Then, 3-ethoxy-4-decanoxy-aniline is condensed with diethyl ethoxymethylmalonate to obtain 3-ethoxy-4-decanoxy-anilinyl methyl-diethyl malonate, which is finally condensed by heat conduction M A to obtain the finished product.

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