Gastrointestinal Disease Medicine - Vonaprazan / TAK-438 Powder
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Gastrointestinal Disease Medicine - Vonaprazan / TAK-438 Powder

Gastrointestinal Disease Medicine - Vonaprazan / TAK-438 Powder

Gastrointestinal diseases are in addition to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases of the second largest after all, the average 10-12% of domestic people. Among them, the anti-ulcer class of innovative drugs has been slow to progress, and almost no new varieties have been developed in recent years. Vonorazan fumarate (vonorasan fumarate) is a newer drug in the proton pump inhibitor class. Globally approved indications include peptic esophagitis; Helicobacter infection; duodenal ulcer; esophagitis; gastric ulcer; GERD; peptic ulcer.

 Vonaprazan Powder

Vonorazan Fumarate was jointly developed by Takeda Pharmaceuticals (Takeda) and Otsuka Pharmaceuticals (Otsuka), approved for marketing by the Japan Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) on December 26, 2014, and approved for marketing by the National Medicines and Drug Administration (NMPA) on December 18, 2019, and is marketed and sold in Japan jointly by Takeda and Otsuka under the trade name Takecab®.

 Vonaprazan Powder

Vonoprazan Fumarate is a novel class of potassium ion (K+)-competitive acid blockers (P-CAB) capable of producing a potent, long-lasting inhibition of gastric acid secretion by competitively inhibiting the binding effect of K+ to the H+-K+-ATPase (proton pump) during the final step of gastric acid secretion by gastric wall cells. The drug is indicated for gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, reflux esophagitis, erosive esophagitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, Helicobacter infections and peptic ulcers.

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